(Families Apart Require Equality)
December 5, 2001

Psychologists' Misconduct is Common Occurrence
Press Release by Darryl Ward

"The serious misconduct of senior psychologist Prue Vincent, who appears to have convinced a child that they had been sexually abused by their father when they had not, is nothing new and is indeed a common occurrence in the psychological 'profession'", Familes Apart Require Equality (FARE) spokes person Darryl Ward said today.

"It is no secret that lawyers and psychologists and other so-called professionals who make their living from the Family Court are expected to toe the politically correct line, such as believing in universal male abuse to the extent of having a witch-hunt mentality, as well as accepting all other feminist mythology without question. Those who fail to follow such policies appear to be covertly prevented from getting Government paid work in the Family Court."

"We know of numerous examples of cases of psychologists convincing children that they had been sexually abused by their fathers when they had not been. In some cases children who had exhibited signs of bed-wetting, a common childhood phenomenon, were asked such questions by psychologists as 'where did your father touch you', and when the children replied that they had not, the answers were ignored."

"Thus it is no surprise that Vincent will be allowed to continue to practice, given that a significant number of other Court-appointed psychologists are guilty of the same misconduct, and if she goes, it will set a precedent for the rest of her profession to be accountable for the harm they have done to our children", concluded Ward.