The Press
December 5, 2001

I am not to blame, says psychologist

A psychologist who was fined and censured for her role in a sex abuse case said she should not be blamed for a decision made by the courts.

Wellington child sex abuse expert Prue Vincent was fined $5000 and given a letter of censure after pleading guilty before the Psychologists Board to charges of conduct unbecoming.

Ms Vincent had fought a newspaper's plans to publish her name.

She said yesterday that the father in the case, who was wrongly accused of molesting his young children, was "mistaken in believing that I am responsible for his situation".

The father, who cannot be named to protect the identity of his children, brought the complaint against Ms Vincent.

"Decisions about the best interests of the children were made by the Family Court in a series of hearings between 1994 and 1999. I was involved in two of those hearings," Ms Vincent said.

"... At all times my approach was scrutinised by the court, and was the subject of rigorous cross- examination at the hearings."

The conduct unbecoming charge covered accusations that she allowed the mother to be present at interviews with the children, used leading questions and accepted "without question" the mother's testimony while asking the father to put his rebuttals in writing.