Wairarapa Times Age
December 5 2001

Vincent works in Wairarapa

The psychologist at the centre of a botched sex abuse investigation has been practising in Masterton for at least 10 years.

Prue Vincent, who shares office space with Masterton lawyer Ken Daniells, is based in
Wellington but works in Wairarapa part-time. Last month she was fined $5000 and censured for bungling an investigation that left a man wrongly accused of molesting his young children.

Ms Vincent, once head of Social Welfare’s psychologists team, now works regularly for the Department of Child, Youth and Family Services, including the Wairarapa branch.

She appeared before the Psychologists Board on November 12 and pleaded guilty to conduct unbecoming, but was allowed to continue practising which enraged the man who unsuccessfully spent $82,000 fighting to regain access to his children.

Despite a police investigation and no charges being laid, he is still refused access.