The Christchurch Civic Crèche case

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The Pinocchio Section

This page last updated June 13 2005


This section is included
for readers to decide for
themselves who is telling
the truth

Case 1 - The Office of the Commissioner for Children

In 1992 the Office of the Commissioner for Children has knowledge of the report being prepared by Rosemary Smart. 
Beth Wood of the Commissioner's Office wants to produce a similar report for general use, and writes to the Christchurch City Council seeking to contact Smart and "share ideas" and "background information"


In 1994, Ian Hassall responds to an official information request from Mr W H Wealleans.


"Neither I nor Ms Wood nor any other member of my staff to my knowledge have seen Ms Smart's report"


"Following receipt of the letter of 11 May Ms Wood recalls a telephone conversation with Ms Smart initiated by Ms Smart in which they discussed published papers known to them on the subject of child abuse in day care centres"


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            Ian Hassall                          Beth Wood