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Page 1 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum Week 1


NZ Herald
February 17 2007

Acquitted Rickards faces more sex charges


Clint Rickards. File Photo / Herald on Sunday


Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and two other men acquitted of raping Louise Nicholas begin another High Court trial in Auckland on Monday in relation to alleged sexual offending against another woman.

Rickards and former policemen Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum are alleged to have committed the crimes in the 1980s.

The three were acquitted by a High Court jury last March of 20 charges, including the alleged rape, sexual violation and indecent assault of Mrs Nicholas when she was a Rotorua teenager.

Justice Tony Randerson has allowed the media to publish the fact of another trial, but extensive suppression orders remain in force on the upcoming case and the Nicholas trial.

All that can be said is that the case relates to allegations of sexual offending by all three men against another woman, who has name suppression, in the 1980s.

Two weeks have been set aside for the jury trial before Justice Judith Potter.

Rickards, who had a meteoric rise through police ranks, from undercover police officer to Auckland district commander, has been stood down since he was charged two years ago. His base salary is understood to be $150,000-$159,000 a year.

He has been studying law at the University of Auckland.

Police spokesman Jon Neilson said the court process took precedence and he would remain stood down until the case was over.