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Page 1 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum Week 1


Radio NZ
February 19 2007; 18:34

Court hears evidence from complainant in police rape trial

The High Court in Auckland has heard that a woman was screaming and struggling as three police officers handcuffed her and indecently assaulted her.

Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and former officers Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum deny charges of kidnapping and indecent assault.

The Crown, in opening its case on Monday, said the woman, who was 16 at the time, was in a consensual relationship with Brad Shipton.

The court heard that the woman was drinking with the three accused and two other men at a Rotorua house one night in the 1980s.

Mark Zarifeh, for the Crown, says she was carried into a bedroom struggling and screaming, was handcuffed and indecently assaulted.

The three are charged with the kidnapping and indecent assault of a woman in Rotorua between November 1983 and August 1984.

All three men formally entered not guilty pleas. Extensive suppression orders apply to the charges.

Last year, a jury cleared them of 20 charges of sexual violation and indecent assault against a Rotorua woman, Louise Nicholas, in 1986. The jury of seven women and five men delivered its verdict on March 31, 2006, after three days of deliberations following a two-and-a-half-week trial in the High Court at Auckland.

The trial is set down for two weeks. The Crown is to call about 11 witnesses. The jury has been told to disregard publicity about the accused.