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Page 1 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum Week 1


NZ Herald
February 21 2007; 11:50

I want conviction Louise Nicholas didn't get, woman tells court
by Patrick Gower



Clint Rickards, Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton deny the charges



The woman accusing suspended police assistant commissioner Clint Rickards and two former police officers of sexually violating her has told a court she wants the conviction Louise Nicholas failed to get.

Under cross-examination today, the woman was accused of embellishing her story and telling lies to impress the jury at the High Court in Auckland.

She said she wanted to see the three men - who were acquitted of rape and sexual violation charges against Mrs Nicholas last year - convicted of the charges against her, but insisted she was telling the truth.

Rickards, Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton deny charges of kidnapping and sexual assault on the woman, who was 16 at the time of the alleged attack in Rotorua in the 1980s.

Paul Mabey QC, defence lawyer for Schollum, today told the woman she had been embellishing her story all along.

The woman, who cannot be named, then referred to last year's case, saying: "I know poor Louise Nicholas lost her case and I am trying damn hard to make sure these guys are done."

Mr Mabey said: "And you will say anything to get to that?"

The woman replied: "I won't say anything, but I will say the truth."

Mr Mabey had been cross-examining the woman on day three of the trial about what he said were inconsistencies in earlier statements to those given during her evidence.

The woman said a lot of the inconsistencies arose because she had not been asked direct questions earlier.

The trial continues.