Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 1 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum Week 1


Newstalk ZB
February 21 2007; 12:32

Woman wants accused men convicted

The complainant in the police sexual assault case has been accused of changing and embellishing her story for the sake of the jury.

Suspended Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and former policemen Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum are on trial for an alleged kidnapping and indecent assault dating back to the 1980s.

Schollum's lawyer Paul Mabey QC has cross-examined the complainant, claiming she has continued to add details to her statement over the past two years, in a concerted effort to have the men convicted. He asked the woman whether it was all a lie to impress the jury, an allegation she denied, saying she is only telling the truth.

The woman says she is "trying damn hard to make sure these guys go down for what they have done".