Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 1 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum Week 1


Radio NZ
February 21 2007; 17:06

Plaintiff 'trying hard' to ensure accused trio convicted

A woman who alleges she was indecently assaulted by three police officers says she's trying "damn hard" to ensure the accused are convicted because Louise Nicholas lost her case against them last year

A woman who alleges she was indecently assaulted by three police officers says she's trying "damn hard" to ensure the accused are convicted but is not embellishing her testimony to make that happen.

In March last year, a jury cleared them of 20 charges of sexual violation and indecent assault against a Rotorua woman, Louise Nicholas, in 1986.

Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards, along with former officers Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum are on trial at the High Court in Auckland, accused of kidnapping and indecent assault between November 1983 and August 1984. The complainant was aged 16 at the time.

All three men formally entered not guilty pleas in the High Court in Auckland on Monday. Extensive suppression orders apply to the charges.

Defence lawyer Paul Maybey, QC, has questioned the woman about conflicting statements over the number of alcoholic drinks she had before the alleged incident.

She has previously said she had 'a drink' or nothing at all but has now told the jury she had three to four glasses.

Mr Maybey asked if this was an embellishment or part of her determination to see the accused convicted. She replied she would like to see that happen but that she was telling the truth.