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Page 1 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum Week 1


One News
February 22 2007; 18:00

Rickards calm in witness box

Suspended assistant commissioner Clint Rickards was accused of being a practised liar when he took the stand in his defence against historic allegations of kidnap and indecent assault.

Rickards and former officers Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton all deny the charges dating from Rotorua in the 1980s.

The defence argues that if the woman was assaulted, the complainant has simply got the wrong man and it is a case of mistaken identity. It maintains a photo showing Rickards clad in a thigh to ankle plaster cast following major knee surgery in 1983 is proof he could not have kidnapped and indecently assaulted a teenager in early 1984.

The 47-year-old says he never met the complainant until last year but the complainant told the court she met Rickards several times that summer at the local Cobb and Co restaurant and police bar. However she admitted she had no memory of him in plaster, on crutches or even limping.

Rickards says going out at the time was a "physical impossibility".

But under cross examination, he admitted he could have been seen out without crutches with co-accused Shipton that February.

The defence called two witnesses to explain how difficult Rickard's recovery was - one of them former All Black and friend Steve McDowell.

In contrast to the complainant's evidence, even under cross examination Rickards was calm and completely unflappable.

But the prosecution used this against him, drawing attention to the fact that the police officer had given evidence in court on more than 100 occasions.

Just before the alleged offence, Rickards had completed two years working as an undercover cop in the criminal underworld for which he was awarded the force's top honour - the golden certificate of merit.

The Crown said this meant Rickards had to "live a lie day in day out".

Rickards admitted that was accurate in regards to the criminal fraternity.

The trial will continue on Monday.