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Page 1 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum Week 1


Radio NZ
February 22 2007; 06:23

Rickards due to take stand in police officers' sex trial

Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards is expected to give evidence at his High Court trial in Auckland today, as he faces kidnapping and indecent assault charges.

Mr Rickards, along with former officers Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum, are on trial at the High Court in Auckland, accused of kidnapping and indecent assault between November 1983 and August 1984. The complainant was aged 16 at the time.

All three men formally entered not guilty pleas in the High Court in Auckland on Monday. Extensive suppression orders apply to the charges.

The Crown is expected to wrap up its case this morning. Afterwards, Mr Rickards is likely to be called to the witness box for the defence. Lawyers for the two other accused have said it is too early to say whether their clients will also be giving evidence.

In March last year, a jury cleared the three men of 20 charges of sexual violation and indecent assault against a Rotorua woman, Louise Nicholas, in 1986.