Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 2 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum Week 2


Newstalk ZB
February 26 2007; 14:24

Shipton's wife accused of lying

The wife of a former police officer charged with indecent assault says she never told police investigators about her husband's alibi as she does not trust them.

Brad Shipton is on trial for kidnapping and indecent assault in Rotorua dating back 20-years, along with Bob Schollum and suspended Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards.

Sharon Shipton has told a High Court jury she and her husband went on holiday away from Rotorua during the entire month of February 1984, staying at a cousin's house in Wanganui. Under cross examination prosecutor Brent Stanaway said Mrs Shipton was lying, and that they had only been at her cousin's house for three or four days.

Mr Stanaway asked her why she had not told police earlier she and her husband had been out of Rotorua on holiday for the entire month of February 1984. She replied she had seen, read and heard of shameful and unethical conduct by the team and would never help them.

Mrs Shipton added her role is not to help the Crown, but support her husband and tell the truth.