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Page 2 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum Week 2


One News
February 26 2007

Shipton's wife accused of lying

The Crown has accused the wife of a former policeman charged with indecent assault, of lying.

It is the latest twist in the trial of Brad Shipton, former police officer Bob Schollum, and suspended assistant commissioner Clint Rickards.

All three deny the charges dating from Rotorua in the 1980s in which a teenage girl was allegedly assaulted.

Sharon Shipton told the high court jury she and her husband went on holiday away from Rotorua during the entire month of February 1984 and stayed at a cousin's house in Wanganui.

Under cross examination prosecutor Brent Stanaway said Shipton was lying and that they had only been at her cousin's house for three or four days.

Shipton was also accused of talking to her husband and cousin after the complainant gave evidence in an effort to get their story straight.