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Page 2 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum Week 2


February 26 2007

Wife gives evidence in police sex case


The wife of one of the men accused of historic sex offences says she has discussed the complainant's evidence with her husband, but denies she is lying to cover for the three accused.

Suspended assistant police commissioner Clint Rickards, 46, and former policemen Brad Shipton, 48, and Bob Schollum, 54, deny kidnapping and indecently assaulting the then 16-year-old girl between November 1983 and August 1984.

Sharon Shipton continued to be cross-examined at the High Court in Auckland today.

On Thursday, Mrs Shipton said she and her husband had been on a month-long holiday to Wanganui and Wellington in February 1984, during the time when it was alleged the offences took place.

Crown prosecutor Brent Stanaway said the Shiptons had only stayed for three or four days, not a month, and Mrs Shipton had called her cousin, who she had stayed with during the holiday, for the first time in years after the woman testified last week.

"This is a combined effort of all three accused involved in assisting you with the evidence you are giving," he said.

Mrs Shipton replied: "Absolutely not, Mr Stanaway."

She said she had spoken to her husband about the woman's evidence but denied she was lying for the accused.

Mrs Shipton said she knew the woman was giving "conflicting evidence".