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Page 2 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum Week 2


Newstalk ZB
February 28 2007; 14:41

If one is guilty - "doesn't mean others are"

The jury has retired to consider its verdict in the trial of suspended assistant police commissioner Clint Rickards and former policemen Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum.

The trio is accused of kidnapping and indecently assaulting a 16-year-old in 1984. Justice Judith Potter told the jury they must concentrate only on the evidence in court and disregard anything they have heard in the media or from other people. She reminded the jury the men are charged separately and if they believe one of the accused is guilty, it does not necessarily mean the others are.

The Crown wrapped up its case in the High Court in Auckland yesterday. It recalled Shipton's wife Sharon to cross-examine her on evidence that she and her husband were on a month-long holiday in Wanganui with her cousin Christine Filer when the offences allegedly took place. Prosecutor Brent Stanaway then called Ms Filer to the stand. She told the court she could not remember the Shiptons being with her in Wanganui at the time. Mrs Filer also told the court she had spoken to Mrs Shipton on the phone from Perth last week and was told the police might call and that she did not have to answer any questions. Mrs Shipton had believed Ms Filer would be a witness for the defence.

Bob Schollum's defence lawyer Paul Maybey QC distanced his client from Sharon Shipton's evidence in his closing address this morning. He said Sharon Shipton was not giving evidence on behalf of Schollum, and the jury must treat the case as three separate trials. He went on to add how convenient it is the complainant can not remember where the alleged attack occurred, or how she got there.