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Page 2 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum Week 2


Newstalk ZB
February 28 2007; 06:16

Police trial jury retiring today

The jury in the trial of suspended assistant police commissioner Clint Rickards and former colleagues Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum is expected to retire today to consider its verdicts.

The men are accused of kidnapping and indecently assaulting a 16-year-old girl, when they were serving officers in Rotorua in 1984.

The Crown wrapped up its case in the High Court in Auckland yesterday. It recalled Shipton's wife Sharon to cross-examine her on evidence that she and her husband were on a month-long holiday in Wanganui with her cousin Christine Filer when the offences allegedly took place. Prosecutor Brent Stanaway then called Ms Filer to the stand. She told the court she could not remember the Shiptons being with her in Wanganui at the time. Mrs Filer also told the court she had spoken to Mrs Shipton on the phone in Perth last week and was told the police might call and that she did not have to answer any questions. Mrs Shipton had believed Ms Filer would be a witness for the defence.

The Crown and defence counsel for Rickards and Shipton gave their closing arguments yesterday afternoon. Schollum's defence will finish its closing arguments today, before the judge sums up and the jury retires.