Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 4 - Initial Reaction to Not Guilty Verdict


Newstalk ZB
March 2 2007; 13:08

Schollum, Shipton appealing convictions

The rape convictions kept from the jury in the latest police sex trial are being appealed.

Clint Rickards, Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum were acquitted of indecent assault by a jury at the High Court in Auckland yesterday.

Suppression orders were released after the verdicts, showing Schollum and Shipton are serving eight-year jails terms over a Mt Maunganui attack. There is now debate over whether the previous convictions should have been allowed as evidence.

Shipton's brother in law Chris Foot says members of the jury yesterday told his family they knew of the men's previous convictions - and they still acquitted them. He claims the Mt Maunganui convictions are "dodgy" and he is convinced they will be overturned.