Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 4 - Initial Reaction to Not Guilty Verdict


Radio NZ
March 2 2007; 11:26

Commission of Inquiry

A Commission of Inquiry into wider police conduct is due to report to the Government at the end of the month.

Mr Rickards remains on suspension pending the outcome of a hearing on his future employment with New Zealand Police.

His lawyer, John Haigh QC, says Mr Rickards has done nothing wrong, and should be reinstated to his position.

Mr Rickards says he's spent nearly half a million dollars of his own money fighting the charges.

Mr Haigh said charges should never have been laid against his client. he said justice was done by a courageous jury which ignored peripheral material.

Auckland University Associate Professor Bill Hodge says every employer has legitimate concerns about public image, and the police will now have some difficult issues to deal with.

Professor Hodge says it's possible Mr Rickards may end up being moved sideways to a job at police headquarters.