Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 4 - Initial Reaction to Not Guilty Verdict


The Timaru Herald
March 2 2007

Nicholas 'gutted' by rape case acquittals


The woman who first made allegations of rape against assistant police commissioner Clint Rickards and two former policemen fears their latest acquittals could discourage other women from coming forward.

Louise Nicholas said she was "absolutely gutted" by yesterday's not guilty verdicts, the same outcome as in her own rape complaint trial against Mr Rickards, Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton last year.

"I just hope and pray that these acquittals don't put other women off from coming forward. I'm praying it won't. They need to find the strength to go through this, ... to go through all this hell and come out of it a better person."

Mrs Nicholas was in court to hear yesterday's verdicts. She said the complainant, who she did not know, would be feeling emotional.

"But from what I know about her, she's a strong woman and she won't let this beat her."

Mrs Nicholas, who is expecting her fourth child, would not comment on whether the two juries might have reached different verdicts had they known both Schollum and Shipton were serving current prison sentences for rape.

Asked what she thought of New Zealand's justice system, she said: "There is none. It's flawed big time. Our law makers of this land have to pull their head out of the sand and make the changes that need to be made because there's unfairness for all complainants within the court system."