Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 5 - Further Reaction to Not Guilty Verdict


Sunday Star Times
March 4 2007; 05:00

Inside the mind of Rickards
by Cate Honore Brett, Editor

Clint Rickards is a man who sees the world in black and white. Guilty, not guilty. Truth, or lies. Which perhaps explains his struggle to understand the ambivalence so many of his fellow countrymen and women feel about his acquittal last week, three years after The Dominion Post first published Louise Nicholas's rape allegations.

Yesterday he told Sunday Star- Times assistant editor Miriyana Alexander he did not know why he was being judged so harshly by the public:

"How many juries does a man have to go through? How many times does a man have to be persecuted?"

Equally, he refuses to distance himself from convicted rapists Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton - despite the fact loyalty to his former Rotorua police colleagues has made his road to redemption that much tougher.

Loyalty, mana, status, pride: these are things that matter greatly to the man former police commissioner Rob Robinson once described as " the best cop I've ever worked with".

In a series of interviews conducted over a year, Alexander probed the Rickards' psyche, revealing the enduring sense of injustice and bewilderment he feels at having been brought so low by an organisation he held dearer than life.

Curiously, Nicholas appears as little more than a bit player in his story.

As Steve Braunias comments in his opinion piece on A8, the women complainants have been "minor characters" throughout the trials. Rather, "it was very much about men, about male behaviour".