Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 6 - Further Reaction to Not Guilty Verdict


March 5 2007; 16:03

Auckland to Protest Police Rape Acquittal
Press Release

On International Womens Day, 8th March the people of Auckland City will take to the streets in protest against the judicial system that has not given support or justice to rape survivors who have come forward.

This event was organised as a response the public outrage surrounding the recent acquittal of already convicted rapists, Bob Schollum, Brad Shipton, and assistant police commissioner, Clint Rickards.

We will be voicing our absolute disgust at "a system that suppresses valid information and supports rape culture," says event organisers.

"Everyone has the right to a fair day in court? When will the rape survivors get theirs?"

Organisers of this event are also joining the call for Clint Rickards to not be re-instated to his position within the Poilce.

This event will be held at Aotea Square, 7:00pm on Thursday 8th March. A coalition of concerned people have organised this protest to Stand Up Against Rape Culture.