Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 6 - Further Reaction to Not Guilty Verdict


Manawatu Standard
March 6 2007

Rickards comments
Letter to the Editor
by J C Gardiner, Palmerston North

Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards says his "good friends", former cops Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum, "shouldn't be where they are" (in jail) after being convicted of pack rape and kidnapping, which begs the question: Where should they be - back on the force?

Clearly Mr Rickards is under great strain, but if he cannot accept the findings of the justice system in relation to his friends, does he have the judgment to be a police officer, let alone a higher ranking one?

On the same issue, I dispute your report (March 2) that the juries in the Schollum/Shipton/Rickards trials did not know about Schollum and Shipton's previous convictions or the fact that they were in jail.

I don't know what the basis of that claim is, made by several news media outlets, but my guess is that it is wrong, particularly in relation to the second trial after the (no doubt well-meaning) idiots in Wellington and Christchurch attempted to undermine the process by giving out leaflets that set out those details.