Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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March 6 2007; 07:18

Law Commission Happy To Examine Jury Information Issue

The Law Commission says it would welcome a directive from the government to look into what juries should be told about defendants' previous convictions.

It follows the trial of the Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former officers, on historical sex charges.

Mr Rickards was acquitted of the charges - along with Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton - but suppression orders prevented the jury being told that both Schollum and Shipton are serving sentences as convicted rapists.

The Prime Minister, Helen Clark, says because of the resulting public controversy, the Law Commission may look into whether reform is needed in this area.

The Commission says it would be happy to take the matter up, if requested.

However Commission President, Sir Geoffrey Palmer, says making such a significant change around the processes that juries follow needs careful consideration.