Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 6 - Further Reaction to Not Guilty Verdict


The Timaru Herald
March 6 2007

Rickards case
Letter to the Editor
Lance Corcoran, Timaru


I retired from the New Zealand Police in 1999 having completed 36 years of service, most of which was as a CIB investigator. I enjoyed this experience and during this time worked alongside many fellow officers, who with few exceptions earned my total respect.

My duties often involved dealing with complaints of a sexual nature, some of which were historic with complainants coming forward several years after the event. There are many good and valid reasons why this can occur. I found the nature of the offending in many of these cases to be abhorrent.

As we all now know, there was one serving and two former police officers acquitted in the High Court last week on abduction and indecency charges, allegedly committed at a time when all three were still serving. Two have proven to be convicted rapists serving appropriate prison sentences.

I watched the TV One news coverage last week when Clint Rickards addressed the media outside the courthouse soon after his acquittal. He displayed arrogance and aggression toward his accusers and the police team who investigated the complaints against him. He also offered continued support and friendship to the two convicted rapists and commented that they shouldn't be where they are (in prison). He was clearly inferring that there had been impropriety and injustice in that investigation and prosecution also.

I know some of the police officers who investigated the alleged crimes and am confident that these matters were investigated with a high degree of competence and professionalism. I am clear in my mind as to who I offer my admiration and support to.

I know Clint Rickards and would suggest to him that if he wishes to find a reason for his recent court appearances as an accused, then he must search his own soul for an answer, for there is one.

Clint Rickards was acquitted of the crimes that were alleged against him. However the investigations revealed a lot of immoral behaviour which is clearly both unbecoming and of a much lower standard than that expected of a police officer. It is therefore my opinion that this man cannot continue in any capacity in the police service. I would not be prepared to work with him and I feel sure there would be many others.

All of this has left a shameful legacy for the New Zealand Police and personal disappointment and embarrassment for myself. I feel ashamed to say the least.

It has been said by some that these recent outcomes will discourage many victims of sexual offending to formalise complaints. I can only actively encourage anyone who finds themselves in that unfortunate position to approach the police with confidence. Today the police are much better equipped to deal with such matters appropriately.

Justice must prevail and confidence in the police must be maintained.