Allegations of Abuse by NZ Police

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Page 7 - Further Reaction to Not Guilty Verdict


March 7 2007

Personal Disclosure - Standard Practice
"Downtown Community Ministries" Press Release

The professionalism of a jury to know all the facts, assess their merits and make a fair decision can be likened to the professionalism needed from Downtown Community Ministry staff.

Many DCM clients have histories of sexual and violent offending but unlike a jury the DCM policy is to encourage a client to freely disclose this to us.

Doing this develops trust between clients and staff while also recognising that our professional obligation is to treat each client based on their current context and not on their past.

The jury in the recent Schollum, Shipton and Rickards Police rape case acquitted all three defendants without being aware that two of the men were currently in prison for an historic rape offence.

The Law Commission looks increasingly likely to report on this issue and make a recommendation on the benefits of a law change.

Our core commitments and practice stay the same.

We are focussed on supporting those in need by providing real services in the most practical way.

Tomorrow is International Women's Day and you can show your support to victims of rape at a public march starting in Civic Square at 5:30.