Allegations of Abuse by NZ Police

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Page 7 - Further Reaction to Not Guilty Verdict


The Press
March 7 2007

Letters to the Editor


Career over, surely
by Graeme Coles, Omihi

Regardless of his acquittal, Clint Rickards, in his arrogant, blustering interview outside the court after the verdict, should have finished his career as a senior policeman.

It is unacceptable from a man whose former position requires restraint, and at least public respect for the justice system of which he should be only a part, to question the competence of the investigation, the validity of the decision to charge him and his co-accused, and the reliability of the rape verdicts against Shipton and Schollum. A little magnanimity towards his accusers might not have gone amiss, either.




Royal treatment
by Lynley Cullinane, Merivale

What a very privileged person Clint Rickards has been -- $600,000 in wages while not working, free to attend university to study law, and from appearances he has been able to lead a life of personal indulgence.

I wonder how other accused persons feel when they read of Mr Rickards' royal treatment -- when they have had perhaps only a menial amount to survive on.




How would he feel?
by Jeff Upton, Darfield

The heart-rending photo of Clint Rickards and his daughter on the front page of Friday's Press raises an interesting question. How would Rickards feel if, a few years from now, a coterie of young, arrogant and utterly immoral police officers were treating his daughter as nothing more than a sex object, to be used and abused and threatened if she objected or complained?

Rickards wants his old job back? No self-respecting society would leave this man in charge of a primary school pedestrian crossing