Allegations of Abuse by NZ Police

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Page 7 - Further Reaction to Not Guilty Verdict


Newstalk ZB
March 8 2007; 19:48

Masked women become vandals on march

Five or six masked women have turned to vandalism and effigy-burning on the march through Wellington to protest the outcome of the recent police sex trial.

Our reporter Amy Roil estimates up to 600 people are marching.

She says the crowd gathered outside the police station in Victoria Street, then marched down Lambton Quay where a small group of women spray painted justice slogans across the front doors of the High Court.

They also stuffed newspaper into a police uniform and burnt it outside the court.

The masked women wrote the words 'Clint Rickards' on the pavement, and drew an arrow pointing at the burning effigy.

Amy Roil doubts that any of the very few police officers on duty saw the vandalism of the High Court or the burning of the effigy.

In Auckland, around 200 men and women of all ages have gathered to take part in a march for survivors of rape.

The protestors are demonstrating over their lack of faith in the justice system.

During speeches in Aotea Square before the march down Queen Street, protestors called for a full investigation into the criminal justice system.

Many are outraged at court suppression orders, and claim rape victims are put on trial in sex cases - rather than the accused.

All expressed a strong lack of faith in Clint Rickards, and demanded he lose his job as Auckland's police chief.

Four police officers are on standby to control the crowd.

In Christchurch, a vigil is planned tonight.