Allegations of Abuse by NZ Police

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Page 7 - Further Reaction to Not Guilty Verdict


Newstalk ZB
March 8 2007; 15:32

Rally in support of rape victims

Groups of protestors will take to the streets of Auckland and Wellington tonight to show their support for victims of rape.

The demonstration is part of International Women's Day, but has been sparked by the recent acquittals in the police sex trial in which suspended police chief Clint Rickards, and former police colleagues Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum were found not guilty of kidnap and indecent assault charges relating to the 1980s. After the trial it was revealed Shipton and Schollum were serving prison sentences for the rape of a woman in Mt Maunganui in the late 1980s.

Auckland spokeswoman Jasmine Gray says they are protesting against the way sex cases are dealt with and against police brutality. She says the victims of rape are more on trial than those being accused.

Ms Gray says only one percent of rape cases which go through the court system end in conviction which she says cannot be an accurate reflection of events.