Allegations of Abuse by NZ Police

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March 8 2007

Supporters and Rape Survivors Call for Changes
Press Release by organisers of Auckland rally

Supporters and Rape Survivors Call for Changes to (In)Justice System on International Women's Day

Tonight, on International Women's Day, will mark an historic day for the people of Auckland. It is a night where the community will come out in large numbers, have their voices heard loud and clear, and stand with, and behind, rape survivors. Tonight, the community shows their power, and they vote with their feet, with a at 7pm at Aotea Square.

Spokesperson for the event, Jasmine Gray says, "The community, including an overwhelming number of ordinary Kiwis have shown over the last week that we stand behind rape survivors and will demand their justice".

"We are showing tonight that rape survivors can and should report to the police, and the community will stand behind them; even if the justice system will not".

The statistics in New Zealand clearly show that the system is not supporting rape survivors. According to Rape Crisis, the majority of their callers do not report rape to the police. Of the cases that are reported, approximately 3 in 10 cases go to court, and only 1 in 10 result in the offender being convicted.

Ms Gray says, "The statistics are evidence that the justice system reinforces sexism and injustice for rape survivors."

"With this march, we want to foster discussion amongst the community about New Zealand's rape culture and empower the community to stand beside rape survivors. The suppressed evidence in these rape cases was used in a way that protected the perpetrators of the crime. We think there should be changes to the court system so that the victim is not on trial more than the accused."

Today is International Women's Day and rape and sexual abuse are a global issue for women. At least one in every three women, or up to one billion women, have been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in their lifetimes. Usually, the abuser is a member of her own family or someone known to her.

"We want a society where rape survivors are not isolated or blamed but are given a sense of justice, and the community will begin this process tonight", says Ms Gray