Allegations of Abuse by NZ Police

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Page 7 - Further Reaction to Not Guilty Verdict


Dominion Post
March 9 2007; 05:00

The face of fury


FACE OF FURY: Protester Vanessa Cameron-Lewis faces up to police guarding Wellington Central station during a protest of more than 200 people over the not guilty verdicts in recent police sex trials.
Picture: Andrew Gorrie



Police sent women officers to guard their Wellington Central station when more than 200 angry people protested outside over the not guilty verdicts in recent police sex trials.

The station doors were guarded by a thin blue line of eight police, seven of them women, prompting cries of "where are all the male cops?"

Last night's protest was largely peaceful, though tension swelled when protester, Vanessa Cameron-Lewis, pictured, screamed as it appeared she was being denied entry to the station.

The crowd chanted "shame".

Ms Cameron-Lewis had told the crowd she was going to deliver a written statement detailing historic incidents of rape and sexual assault against her.

Wellington area commander Inspector Peter Cowan said he took the statement from Ms Cameron-Lewis, and had offered her the chance to go inside and speak, "but she was just too worked up by then". Mr Cowan appealed to Ms Cameron-Lewis to come forward and discuss her allegations in confidence.

The use of female officers was a deliberate move "to show this is the face of policing in 2007", he said.

The protesters walked along Lambton Quay and staged a further protest outside the High Court building. Protest organiser Lenka Rochford said they were "stunned and outraged" at the acquittals of suspended Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards, and former policemen Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum in two historic sex offence trials.

Shipton and Schollum are serving prison terms for the rape of a woman at Mt Maunganui in 1989.

In Auckland 250 people also protested about the verdicts, many calling for Mr Rickards to be sacked.