Focus on Police Competence

The Trevor Franklin Police Botchup - Index

2000 News Reports - Index

The Dominion
September 14 2000

Teenagers jailed for 'sadistic' attack

Three teenage girls have been jailed for what a judge described yesterday as a "sadistic" slashing of a schoolgirl.

The 16-year-old was attacked in Auckland in August last year. The girl, who has name suppression, was hit and robbed of $10. Each time the girl said she had no more money, she was sliced with a pair of scissors.

At the time of the attack Teangarua Lucy Akatere was aged 15, Tania Mayze Vini was 14 and McCushla Priscilla Fuataha was 14. All were found guilty of aggravated robbery after a trial last month. Fuataha, who wielded the scissors, was jailed for two years. The others were jailed for 18 months.