Focus on Police Competence

The Trevor Franklin Police Botchup - Index

2001    Reports 2002    2003

This page last updated February 8 2006

2002-1102 - Dominion Post - Wrongly jailed girls still await compo
by Glen Scanlon - Three teenage girls wrongly jailed for a crime they did not commit have still not been compensated 18 months after their plight was highlighted. Their lawyer, Gary Gotlieb, said yesterday that he was considering suing the Government and the police because of the time it was taking for compensation to be paid……..Mr Gotlieb said a police investigation of the case had been completed months ago and was still sitting with the Crown Law Office. "We can't form our claim till we get to see that report. They are worried about the report."  Mr Gotlieb said he had written to Mr Robinson on October 4 to see when the report would be available but he had not received a reply.

2002-0905 - The Press - Counselling covered
Three teenage girls convicted of a crime they did not commit will receive money for counselling as part of their total compensation, Justice Minister Phil Goff says.  He had received a preliminary application for compensation for the three teenagers.

2002-0905 - NZ Herald - Compo for wrongly convicted girls to include counselling

Phil Goff had received a preliminary application for compensation for the teenagers. "I have made an initial decision that payment should be available for counselling of those young women," he told a committee of MPs. The state of mind that they were left in after seven months in Mt Eden Prison for a crime they did not commit meant that "we have to try to help them rebuild their lives." He has appointed Queen's Counsel Kristy McDonald to advise him on compensation. She would determine the degree of innocence and decide what level of compensation should be paid for financial and non-financial losses they suffered

2002-0905 - Dominion Post - Girls to get counselling
Three teenage girls convicted of a crime they did not commit would receive money for counselling as part of their total compensation, Justice Minister Phil Goff said yesterday

2002-0821 - NZ Herald - Treatment of wrongly jailed teen girls a disgrace
Trevor Franklin

Threatened and bullied others, Shonky investigation

Claims he is innocent of any wrongdoing.

Police Association stands by him.
Trevor Franklin - policeman, former test cricketer - "Bullying tone"

by Tapu Misa - There were holes in the police evidence big enough to drive a truck through, yet three Pacific Island teenagers were still charged, convicted and imprisoned for a crime they did not commit. It would never have happened if they had been from Remuera - but being poor and powerless, the odds were stacked against [the girls]. Betrayed by an inept police investigation and indifferent legal representation, they spent seven months in Mt Eden women's prison

"Holes in the police evidence big enough to drive a truck through"

"Girls betrayed by an inept police investigation and indifferent legal representation"

"The wrongful conviction also raised "questions of conduct by the police which is a serious matter and must be properly investigated". These questions are so far unanswered"

2002-0817 - TV3 - 20/20 - Lost Innocents
Producers: Stephen Davis and Amanda Millar; Reporter: Amanda Millar - We began this investigation almost a year ago, when three teenagers were cleared of a terrible crime. The Court of Appeal had decided these young girls had nothing to do with the violent robbery that had landed them in jail. As we began making calls and conducting interviews, the police launched two investigations of their own. One to find out how they'd got it so wrong, and the other to catch the offenders who'd really carried out the attack. So we waited to see what they'd come up with. We waited and waited. But months later ... nothing. No offenders caught, and no compensation for the three teenagers, whose freedom and innocence was lost.

Fundamental flaws in the Police Inquiry according to ex Police Superintendent Bryan Rowe:

1)              Identification of girls was at the wrong place and the wrong time and the wrong day

2)              Trevor Franklin threatened the main prosecution witness that induced the witness to make a false confession. The case relied on an obviously false confession.

3)              The police lied to one of the accused and her mother that the others had confessed.

4)              There were inconsistencies in the statements: Wrong number of girls, wrong ages, wrong heights, wrong weapon and no nose stud. The inconsistencies were ignored.

5)              The police carried out no investigation of alibis

6)              The police carried out no timing exercise that would have shown it was impossible for the girls to get to the scene of the crime in time.

7)              Trevor Franklin ignored evidence that the main prosecution witness had claimed she had lied, and he was even alleged to have threatened the person with that evidence to butt out..

2002-0815 - NZ Herald - QC advising on payout to wrongly jailed girls
by Scott Macleod - A Queen's Counsel has been asked to advise the Government on compensation for three girls who were wrongly jailed for robbery in 1999. Justice Minister Phil Goff said yesterday that Kirsty McDonald, QC, would give independent advice on whether the girls should receive a payout, and if so, how much

2002-0815 - Dominion Post - QC appointed to advise on innocent girls' compo claim
Justice Minister Phil Goff has appointed a Queen's counsel to give him independent advice on an application for compensation for three teenage girls wrongfully imprisoned for a crime they did not commit.  Mr Goff has received a preliminary application for compensation……. Among relevant factors would be the conduct of Crown agencies, including the police, Mr Goff said.  Police had undertaken an internal investigation and this would be relevant to Ms McDonald's inquiry.

2002-0810 - Dominion Post - Police regret delay in report on girls' jailing
by Glen Scanlon - Police regret the amount of time it has taken to deal with the inquiry into the wrongful imprisonment of three teenage girls for a crime they did not commit, says Commissioner Rob Robinson…….Mr Robinson said yesterday an internal inquiry report was still being finalised by the Auckland district commander

2002-0806 - Dominion Post - Blunder report finished
by Glen Scanlon - Police Commissioner Rob Robinson has been sent the report of an internal inquiry into the wrongful imprisonment of three teenage girls for a crime they did not commit.  Police began two inquiries -- one into the original crime and an internal one into the way the investigation was handled. Mr Gotlieb said yesterday that the internal inquiry had been completed and a report sent to Mr Robinson in the past week. He said it was an understatement to say the situation had been dragging on too long. The report would absolve the girls but what it found about the original police investigation was the important issue

2002-0607 - The Dominion - Freed girls still waiting for payout
Three teenage girls wrongly imprisoned for a crime they did not commit say they have had enough of waiting for compensation. They now want police to pay at least part of the compensation they are due while the final amount is decided.

A draft of the internal inquiry was completed several months ago and handed to Superintendent Howard Broad, the officer in charge of the Auckland police district. Mr Gotlieb said he had seen the draft and it failed to look at whether police had failed in their duties. "It is just not good enough," he said. Mr Broad had told him he could not look at the report for two months.

2002-0324 - Sunday Star Times - PoliceUnravel.htm
by Rachel Grunwell - Up to 10 areas of concern are expected to be highlighted by police as they investigate how three teenage girls were jailed for crimes they did not commit.  …..It is understood police raised up to 10 areas of concern including:

·           A lack of supervision on the case.

·           A rushed investigation which took only two days, with some checks allegedly not made.

·           Relatively junior staff handling a serious case.

Detective constable Trevor Franklin, a former international test cricketer who now works at Ponsonby police station, was in charge of the case and has continued working

2002-0205 - The Dominion - Wrongly jailed teens wait for compo
Police tardiness was delaying compensation for three teenage girls who spent seven months in jail for crimes they did not commit, their lawyer said yesterday. Teangarua Akatere and Tania Mayze Vini, both 17, and McCushla Priscilla Fuataha, 16, all of Auckland, were freed on bail from Mt Eden women's prison last April and their convictions for aggravated robbery were quashed by the Court of Appeal in October.

Lawyer Gary Gotlieb said police were yet to hand over details of the original investigation of the case, despite repeated telephone calls, e-mails and letters. "They've had since April. They're being coy. They don't want me to see it and are trying to say there are parts of it that are confidential," he said.