Focus on Police Competence

The Trevor Franklin Police Botchup - Index

2004    Reports 2005    2006

This page last updated February 8 2006

2005-1011 - Otago Daily Times --$500,000 figure rejected by wrongly jailed trio
Three young women wrongfully convicted and jailed want the High Court at Auckland to quash a compensation package worth almost $500,000 and order the Government to make a new offer. Lucy Akatere, Tania Vini and McCushla Fuataha served seven months in prison after being jointly convicted of an aggravated robbery in Three Kings in August 1999.

Rodney Harrison, QC, yesterday told the court the guidelines were unworkable, inconsistent and arbitrary. “It is our case that sense cannot be made [of the guidelines],” he said.  Dr Harrison said for periods of wrongful imprisonment of less than a year, the daily compensation figure worked out to be $143. In his experience, compensation for a wrongful arrest and one day in custody would be $10,000-$15,000

2005-1011 - NZ Herald - Freed women seek compo rethink
Three young woman wrongfully convicted and jailed want the High Court to quash a compensation package worth more than $400,000 and order the Government to make a new offer. Lucy Akatere, Tania Vini and McCushla Fuataha served seven months in prison after being convicted of an aggravated robbery in Three Kings in August 1999.

The women are challenging the Government guidelines used to reach compensation figures. ….The civil claim does not seek any particular compensation sum but asks the court to direct Cabinet to reconsider the offer

2005-1010 - One News - Women challenge compo offer
A challenge to a government compensation offer is under way in the High Court in Auckland, with the Crown defending the size of its offer to three women who were wrongly imprisoned ……   The women's lawyer Rodney Harrison QC says the court should dismiss the criteria used to calculate the compensation. But lawyers for the Crown argue the cabinet-approved guidelines are not the business of the judiciary