The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


Television New Zealand
March 20 1992

Network News
Reporter Sallie Pears

Police investigate allegations of sexual abuse by a worker of up to 50 children at the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch


00:00      GVs INT and EXT of the Civic Child Care Centre in Armagh Street, Christchurch V/O REPORTER re police investigate allegations of sexual abuse by a worker of up to 50 children at the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch .

0:21        I/V Patricia Dia, parent re most people are finding it hard to believe .

0:28        I/V Rob Dally, Christchurch City Council re we are trying to satisfy the parents need to know what happened .

0:37        I/V Patricia Dia re must be dreadful for those people whose children were abused .

0:41        GVs playground of creche V/O REPORTER re first only one complaint, now police have widened their investigation to interview children who have been at the centre for 18 months .

1:15        I/V Rob Dally re we are in contact with the police on a regular basis .

1:29        GVs EXT Civic Child Care Centre .

1:50        I/V Sandra Shaw, parent re won't take the children out .

1:53        I/V Patricia Dia re it's a lovely creche, would not take my daughter out of it .

2:00        REPORTER Sallie Pears to CAMERA re child molestation .

2:09        END.