The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

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This page last updated April 6 2005

1992-1212 - The Press - Police 'reluctance' seen
A witness in the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre hearing said she began to collate incidents of alleged sexual abuse of children attending the crèche after she perceived a reluctance by the police to investigate. The witness, whose name was suppressed, said she had written a letter of complaint to the Christchurch City Council about one of the crèche staff, Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis, in November last year. Ellis was suspended from his job soon after. Her letter of complaint followed a comment from her son, who had attended the crèche, that he did not like Ellis's "black penis".

1992-1211 - The Press - Concerns over worker 'raised with manager'
Concerns over the suitability of one of its male crèche workers were raised with the manager of the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre in February or March last year, the District Court was told yesterday. A witness said she had been prompted to act by an incident at her home when her grandson, after having a bath, had begun touching his penis and flicking his hand across it. She said he told her that one of the childcare centre staff, Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis, had done the same thing to him.

1992-1209 - The Press - 'Night fears grew' in crèche child 
An alleged child victim of sexual abuse became very afraid at night time from the age of three onwards, his mother told a preliminary hearing in the District Court. He expressed a fear of monsters and wolves and was afraid of things coming in the window. He was especially afraid of burglars, asked if they killed people, and inquired how they got into a house when the doors and windows were locked…… She said she and her partner and their son now slept in the same room, which they called the "safe sleep" room, to try to ease their son's fears.

1992-1208 - The Press - ‘Children named’ after parents talk
A witness in the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre inquiry said her daughter named other children as having been abused after contact between the parents involved. The mother of one complainant said before she and her partner spoke to other parents her daughter had made no mention of the children…….The witness, whose name is suppressed, said she had ignored advice from the police for parents not to talk among themselves about what their children had disclosed. She said she had found contact with other parents necessary for support and said the family had been top priority at the time rather than the court process. On one occasion her daughter had talked of being taken to a place by Ellis where there were clowns, tickets, lions and tigers and being put in a cage.

1992-1205 - The Press - Crèche child 'threw tantrums' 
The behaviour of a child complainant In the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre inquiry changed dramatically during her attendance at the crèche, a preliminary hearing in the District Court was told yesterday. The change became apparent after she was moved to the "big end" of the crèche set aside for older children, her mother told the court. She began throwing tantrums for no apparent reason, would hit her parents, throw things, and sometimes hurt herself. As her verbal skills developed she began to swear and told her parents she was going to cut them up, burn them, and throw them in a rubbish tin. Things reached a point where she would be put in her room because it was impossible to reason with her, her mother said.

1992-1204 - The Press - Mother wanted abuse expert's aid 
The mother of an alleged child victim of sexual abuse wanted an overseas expert in ritualistic abuse called in to help with the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre inquiry, the preliminary hearing in the District Court was told yesterday. In a letter to the police sent in August, the woman said she wanted an overseas author on ritualistic abuse, Ms Pamela Hudson, brought to New Zealand to discuss the subject.

1992-1203 - The Press - Mother defied police to ask about cre
The mother of a complainant in the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre inquiry said she ignored police advice not to question her son directly about alleged sexual abuse. She told a preliminary hearing in the District Court yesterday that parents had been warned not to question their children directly to avoid putting ideas into their heads……..Cross-examined by counsel for the four women, Mr Gerald Nation, the mother said she had asked her son about once or twice a week between May and July if he had anything to tell her about Ellis. When she first asked if Ellis had touched his bottom or penis her son became angry and refused to discuss the matter. He said Ellis was his friend and would not do such a thing. His toileting deteriorated and be began to suffer severe mood changes and was non-compliant

1992-1202 - The Press - Child became 'withdrawn' after attendance at crèche 
A child complainant in the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre inquiry became withdrawn within two months of his attendance at the crèche, a preliminary hearing in the District Court was told yesterday. From being an "open and loving child" he withdrew and no longer responded when he was hugged, his mother said. He went from being fully toilet-trained to leaving it until the last minute before going to the toilet. He began masturbating soon after he had started at the crèche………The witness said her son had become volatile and aggressive if unable to wear particular clothing and had headaches and sore stomachs every day. He began to want the light left in the hall by his bedroom at night and the door left open. He was fearful of going to sleep and said Ellis was outside the window and coming to get him.

1992-1201 - The Press - Mother 'worried' by crèche inquiry 
A mother told the District Court yesterday that she had recently become uneasy at her daughter's continued involvement in the inquiry into alleged child sexual abuse at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre. The parent, whose name was suppressed, said she had tried to withdraw her child from the police investigation in September. She said she had become "quite worried" about the situation and felt it was not right for her child to remain in the investigation. "She really was quite hyped up. We felt it was hanging over her," she said.

1992-1118 - TVNZ - Network News
The police inquiry into sex abuse at Civic Child Care Centre crèche, Christchurch has extended to London, Christchurch Police have asked Interpol to talk to a former crèche worker now living in London

1992-1112 - TVNZ - Network News
A psychologist agreed one of the key prosecution witnesses in the Christchurch Civic Child Care case is a disturbed child. The child's evidence is crucial to 12 of the 60 child sexual abuse charges laid against former crèche workers

1992-1111 - TVNZ - Network News
Pre trial hearing for the five crèche workers from the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch continues today. A psychologist who interviewed many of the alleged victims has spent days in the witness box, she has spelled out her procedures for talking to the children

1992-1102 - TVNZ - Tonight
Depositions begin today over the charges of sexual abuse by five Christchurch crèche workers, the next two weeks will be set aside for the hearing of videotaped interviews of the children involved

1992-1102 - TVNZ - Network News
Reporter Jo Malcolm - Deposition hearings begin in Christchurch for five crèche workers from the Civic Child Care Centre. Video evidence from the children involved is being screened privately.

1992-1012 - TVNZ - Network News  
Reporter Cliff Joiner - A death threat has been levelled at a second person involved in the child sex abuse allegations at a Christchurch child care centre. A bullet with her name on it has been mailed to the supervisor of the Civic Child Care Centre crèche

1992-1010 - TVNZ - Network News
Reporter Allanah James - A bullet with his name scratched on has been sent to Peter Ellis who faces charges of sexual violation against children at the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch where he worked.

1992-1009 - TVNZ - Tonight 
Reporter Allanah James - Thirty four year old Peter Ellis is in court again facing another nine charges on top of the 32 sexual violation offences already alleged against him. Childcare centres in  Christchurch flock to get the police's "Feeling Safe" video

1992-1009 - TVNZ - Network News
In Christchurch parents and teachers alike have been queuing for child sex abuse prevention programmes from the Police

1992-1008 - TVNZ - Network News
Wellington Hospital child care centre staff member has been charged with indecently assaulting a child in his care

1992-1002 - Radio New Zealand - Interview with Sonya Davies    
Transcript of Radio "Nine to Noon" programme with guest Sonya Davies - Presenter introduction says that police are hoping the publicity about the discovery of a child porno ... pornography ring will bring forward any victims of the men at the centre of the enquiry    Labour MP Sonya Davies thinks it's only the "tip of the iceberg".  She explains why -

"I have always suspected this"; 
"Various people have talked to me about it"
"Once incest becomes public, people can discuss it"
"My initial reaction was horror"

1992-1002 - TVNZ - Network News 
Reporter Cliff Joiner - Five former staff members of the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre face indecency charges on the children there. Today colleagues and parents of children who used to attend the centre speak of the strain of the inquiry

1992-1001 - TVNZ - Tonight
Four female childcare workers from the Civic Child Care Centre are arrested and charged with indecent assault and the sexual violation of children at the crèche

1992-1001 - TVNZ - Network News  
Reporter Cliff Joiner - Four female childcare workers from the Civic Child Care Centre (crèche) are arrested and charged with indecency offences involving children at the centre

1992-0914 - The Press - Schools denied detail on sex offender
NZPA - The Teacher Registration Board says it has been refused information on a convicted sex offender who may be teaching. The board is appealing to the High Court for details of the case so it can assess whether the teacher should be deregistered. In the meantime, any school employing the teacher could be unaware of his background

1992-0906 - The Press - Prominent name confirmed on sex list    
Prominent New Zealanders are included in a list held by police of people who may have sought child pornography, the Minister of Police, Mr Banks, said yesterday. I say to the members in this House that most of the information is pieced together. "But there is a list - I do not have a copy of the list - that does name prominent New Zealanders that have inquired after pornographic literature either in this country or Overseas involving young children," Mr Banks said. "It is only a list. I haven't seen it

1992-0905 - Christchurch Star - Parents want child centre re-opened
Parents of children at the Civic Child Care Centre which was suddenly closed on Thursday were seeking a legal course for its reopening yesterday. The parents had signed a contract with the city council only this week, agreeing to a two weeks notice provision regarding the withdrawal of children. There was an obligation for the council to provide similar notice of closure, parents spokesperson Penny Mahy said

1992-0905 - The Press - Challenge possible – union
NZPA - The City Manager, Mr John Gray, may face a legal challenge to his decision to accept the abrupt closing on Thursday of the Civic Child Care Centre. Staff and parents opposed to the decision are angry that Mr Gray declined to raise a formal objection to the Ministry of Education's decision to revoke the centre's licence, as he was legally entitled to do.

1992-0904 - TVNZ - Network News 
Reporter Allanah James - The Christchurch crèche at the centre of a major sexual abuse investigation earlier this year has been unexpectedly shut down. Parents whose children attend the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch are trying to have the crèche reopened by court order

1992-0904 - TVNZ - Network News
The Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch was shut down today. Bewildered parents want to know why, angry that the licence was cancelled without warning by the Ministry of Education, on the advice of the police

1992-0904 - Southland Times - Child care centre closed
NZPA - The Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre was abruptly closed yesterday after the Ministry of Education withdrew its operating licence. The decision, which follows a police briefing with ministry officials, has left 13 staff redundant. Staff learned of the decision from the city manager, Mr John Gray, who visited the centre at closing time. The decision to close the centre was supported by Mr Gray, who was also briefed by the police

1992-0904 - Otago Daily Times - Christchurch child care centre licence cancelled
NZPA - The Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre was abruptly closed yesterday after the Ministry of Education withdrew its operating licence. The decision, which follows a police briefing with ministry officials, has left 13 staff redundant. Staff learned of the decision from the city manager, Mr John Gray, who visited the centre at closing time yesterday. The decision to close the centre was supported by Mr Gray, who was also briefed by the police

1992-0904 - Waikato Times - Child care centre closes
NZPA - The Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre was abruptly closed yesterday after the Education Ministry withdrew its operating licence. The decision, which follows a police briefing with ministry officials, has left 13 staff redundant. Staff learned of the decision from the city manager, John Gray, who visited the centre at closing time. The decision was supported by Mr Gray, who was also briefed by the police

1992-0904 - Evening Standard - Child care centre loses licence
NZPA - The Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre was closed yesterday after the Ministry of Education withdrew its operating licence. The decision, which came after a police briefing with ministry officials, has left 13 staff redundant. Staff learned of the decision from city manager John Gray, who visited the centre at closing time yesterday.

1992-0904 - Evening Post - Child care centre closed abruptly
The Christchurch Civic Child .Care Centre has been abruptly closed after the Ministry of Education withdrew its operating licence. The decision yesterday, which follows a police briefing with Ministry officials, has left 13 staff redundant

1992-0904 - Dominion - Child care centre closed abruptly
New April 6 2005
The Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre was abruptly closed yesterday after the Education Ministry withdrew its operating licence. The decision, which follows a police briefing with ministry officials, has left 13 staff out of work

1992-0904 - The Press - Anger over creche closing
New April 6 2005
by Michael Rentoul - The Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre was abruptly closed yesterday, angering staff and parents, after the Ministry of Education withdrew its operating licence. The decision, which follows a police briefing with ministry officials, has left 13 staff redundant

1992-0828 - Letter by Karen Zelas to Police
Letter by Karen Zelas.  The so called “Smoking Gun” letter. 
It is clear that "Z"'s parents elicited disclosures of abuse by Peter Ellis by highly leading questioning. Tommy's brother and parents did the same. In Tommy's case, the parents subjected him to intensive interrogation pertaining to `ritual' abuse between the three August interviews which were on consecutive days. Tommy would then disclose in the next interview with Sue Sidey the information elicited by his parents the previous night

1992-0814 - Radio NZ - Morning Report    
Customs minister, Murray McCully, says child pornography is increasing and short of heavier penalties there's little the customs department can do to combat it quickly

1992-0806 - The Press - Depositions
The depositions hearing relating to alleged indecency on children at the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre by a former worker, Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis, has been set down to last five weeks.

1992-0415 - The Press - Four new charges laid
New April 6 2005
Four new charges were laid yesterday against a former child care worker at the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre when his case was called before Judge Hattaway in the District Court

1992-0414 - TVNZ - Network News 
Reporter Sallie Pears -The man at the centre of the Christchurch childcare sexual abuse case at the Civic Child Care Centre is back in court facing another five charges, all involving children under the age of four

1992-0331 - The Press - Charge laid
A former Civic Child Care Centre worker will appear in court in Christchurch today on one charge of indecent assault. The man’s lawyer, Mr Chris Knight, said the man was arrested and charged yesterday afternoon

1992-0331 - TVNZ - Tonight
Parents of children who have attended Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre gathered tonight for the first time since charges were laid against the man at the centre of the child sexual abuse controv

1992-0331 - TVNZ - Network News
The man at the centre of the Civic Child Care sex abuse case in Christchurch made a brief court appearance today, he faces one charge, but police indicated more would follow

1992-0328 - The Press - Action against council
Chris Topp - The man at the centre of the investigation into possible sexual abuse at the Civic Child Care Centre has started legal proceedings against the Christchurch City Council for unfair dismissal. The man was dismissed from the centre last month as the police continued their investigation into allegations from parents of children at the centre that their children may have been sexually abused.

1992-0327 - TVNZ - Network News
It is understood Christchurch police are poised to lay the first charges in the Civic Child Care Centre sexual abuse investigation and that only three months ago police were satisfied there was no evidence of sexual abuse at the centre

1992-0324 - The Press - Record of abusers backed
New April 6 2005
The Canterbury Council for Civil Liberties would not object to a register of convicted child molesters, but says its use should be restricted. The Citizens Against Violence group called for the register after the announcement of a child abuse inquiry centring on the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch

1992-0324 - The Press - Sacking not abuse related - Union 
by Chris Topp - The man at the centre of the police investigation into possible sexual abuse at the Civic Child Care Centre may take legal action against his job dismissal. He was not dismissed because of any evidence of child molestation says his union. The secretary of the Southern Local Government Officers Union, Mr Peter Lawson said yesterday that the man was considering a personal grievance against the Christchurch City Council for unfair dismissal. “In fact, I’m not really sure why the council dismissed him last month,” he said. The council's metropolitan services manager Mr Rob Dally said yesterday the reason for the mans dismissal was confidential between the council and the former employee. Mr Lawson said the man had not been interviewed by the police even though the investigation had been going on for several months.

1992-0323 - TVNZ - Network News
The man at the centre of the investigation into child sexual abuse at the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch has not been interviewed by the police

1992-0323 - TVNZ - Holmes
A remote interview with child psychologist Karen Zelas concerning the options open to parents who fear their children may have been sexually molested by a day care worker at a Christchurch city crèche

1992-0323 - The Press - Parents in terror of abuse discovery
by Chris Topp -
Many Christchurch parents are living in terror of discovering their children have been sexually abused as they await the results of a police investigation of the Civic Child Care Centre. Some of the parents, through a spokeswoman, yesterday expressed fear and horror after preliminary inquiries into allegations of children being sexually abused at the centre led to a police investigation.

1992-0321 - TVNZ - Network News
Parents of children attending the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch in the centre of an investigation of child sexual abuse allegations have been told not to confront their children

1992-0321 - The Press - Childcare sex abuse inquiry 
by Barry Clarke - Preliminary inquiries into allegations of children being sexually abused at the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre have led to a police investigation. Detective Senior Sergeant Colin Dalzell said yesterday many children would be interviewed. They included children now in care at the crèche and those who had attended in the past. The investigation is expected to take several months. The Christchurch City Council, which gives arms-length assistance to the centre, yesterday sent letters to 180 families of children who had attended since 1986-87, when the man at the centre of the inquiry was employed. The letter invites them to a meeting on March 31, when the police and Social Welfare Department staff will explain how to identify sexual abuse.

1992-0320 - TVNZ - Tonight
Police investigate allegations of sexual abuse by a worker of up to 50 children at the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch

1992-0320 - TVNZ - Network News
Police investigate allegations of sexual abuse by a worker of up to 50 children at the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch