The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


Television New Zealand
March 20 1992

Reporter Sallie Pears

Police investigate allegations of sexual abuse by a worker of up to 50 children at the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch


00:00      NIGHT SHOT GVs EXT Civic Child Care Centre, Christchurch V/O REPORTER re police investigate allegations of sexual abuse by a worker of up to 50 children at the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch.

00:14      GVs parents collect children from the Civic Child Care Centre at Armagh Street, Christchurch .

0:20        I/V Patricia Dia, parent re most people have not believed it yet .

0:28        I/V Rob Dally, Christchurch City Council re we are trying to give parents as much information as we can collect .

0:43        GVs playground at Civic Child Care Centre V/O REPORTER re police are extending their inquiries back to children who attended the creche from 1986 .

1:18        I/V Rob Dally re we are talking to the police on a regular basis, also Social Welfare and the parents committee.

01:30      GVs EXT Civic Child Care Centre, Christchurch .

1:50        Sandra Shaw, parent re we will support staff and parents .

1:55        I/V Patricia Dia, parent re great little creche, won't take my children out .

2:02        REPORTER Sallie Pears to CAMERA re child molestation (sexual abuse) case .

2:06        END.