The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


Television New Zealand
March 23 1992

Reporter Paul Holmes

A remote interview with child psychologist Karen Zelas concerning the options open to parents who fear their children may have been sexually molested by a day care worker at a Christchurch city creche.


00:00      REMOTE STUDIO  I/V Karen Zelas, child psychologist (in Christchurch) re Christchurch child day care centre worker accused of sexually molesting children re it's most important parents don't question their children on possible events, re there are specialist interviewers, parents need to note any changes in their children's behaviour or any anxieties, fears about going to the creche, re (sexual abuse) would have been some time ago and children may not any longer be at the creche, re (symptoms are) nightmares, sleeping disturbances, sexualised behaviour, re (child abuse) symptoms of anxiety, problems in relationships, their concentration, their ability to perform at school and to make friends, re at adolescence one sees running away behaviours, antisocial and promiscuous behaviour, depression, alcohol and drug abuse .

2:45        I/V Karen Zelas re I would urge parents (to) hold back until they have formal contact with agencies investigating, re there is a real risk (parents) might introduce ideas to the child, it'll be impossible to know whether or not their child actually has been abused .

3:31        I/V Karen Zelas re (parents) should note down what they notice at the time, re the interview process is very gentle, re with young children it focuses on playing materials, children will often think of it as a play session (rather) than an interview or interrogation .

4:13        I/V Karen Zelas re parents are most at risk at the moment as they are waiting, re (parents) may need some support in the interim, re a meeting has been arranged for parents of children who have been at the creche to meet with professionals and discuss the process .

4:45        END.