The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


Television New Zealand
March 27 1992

Child Abuse
Network News
Reporter Sallie Pears

It is understood Christchurch police are poised to lay the first charges in the Civic Child Care Centre sexual abuse investigation and that only three months ago police were satisfied there was no evidence of sexual abuse at the centre..


00:00 GRAPHIC letter from the police to the Christchurch City Council dated 20 December 1991 V/O REPORTER re it is understood Christchurch police are poised to lay the first charges in the Civic Child Care Centre sexual abuse investigation and that only three months ago police were satisfied there was no evidence of sexual abuse at the centre.

00:04      WS EXT playground at the Civic Child Care Centre, Christchurch .

0:10        GRAPHIC letter "to date there have been no disclosures of any sort of indecent touching by any person at the child care centre" .

0:19        WS INT creche .

0:24        GRAPHIC letter "it is unlikely these children will disclose sexual abuse" .

0:29        INT Civic Child Care Centre .

0:40        GRAPHIC letter "it is clear to me that (he) should not be involved in any way in the supervision or care of children" .

0:46        REPORTER Sallie Pears to CAMERA .

1:06        END.