The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


Television New Zealand
September 4 1992

Child Care
Network News
Reporter Allanah James

The Christchurch creche at the centre of a major sexual abuse investigation earlier this year has been unexpectedly shut down. Parents whose children attend the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch are trying to have the creche reopened by court order


00:00      GVs EXT Civic Child Care Centre, Christchurch .

00:19      (LCT) Peter Ellis who faces various charges relating to the sexual and physical abuse of children at the creche, leaves court and gets into car .

00:34      WS POV through picket fence, playground of Civic Child Care Centre .

00:39      I/V Simon Fraser, parent's spokesman re police have indicated that the closure come about from the investigation that is under way .

00:46      I/V Michael Deaker, Education Ministry re police have asked me to keep the reason for the closure confidential .

00:58      I/V Rhys Jones, parent re we are stunned by the closure, very high handed, unreasonable .

01:12      I/V Debbie Gillespie, former creche worker re we want to know why they closed the creche .

01:20      I/V Stephanie Hauiti, creche worker re they have destroyed the lives of the staff .

01:28      GVs staff and children from Civic Child Care Centre .

01:35      END.