The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


Television New Zealand
October 2 1992

Creche Workers
Network News
Reporter Cliff Joiner

Five former staff members of the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre face indecency charges on the children there. Today colleagues and parents of children who used to attend the centre speak of the strain of the inquiry


00:00      GVs Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre (creche) workers

V/O REPORTER re five former staff members of the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre face indecency charges on the children there, today colleagues and parents of children who used to attend the centre speak of the strain of the inquiry .

00:09      I/V Paula Scott, creche worker re we did believe that the police would have to make some moves towards justifying the closure of the creche .

00:31      I/V Stephanie Hauiti, former creche worker re nothing would surprise us .

00:40      (LCT) 1 October 1992 creche supervisor Gaye Davidson being arrested .

00:45      GRAPHIC STILL Gaye Davidson .

00:46      GRAPHIC STILL Janice Buckingham .

00:49      GRAPHIC STILL Marie Keys V/O REPORTER re these women face four charges each of child sexual abuse .

00:52      GRAPHIC STILL Debbie Gillespie who faces one charge.

00:56      (LCT) Peter Ellis gets into car outside court V/O REPORTER re Ellis faces 32 indecency charges .

01:04      I/V Alice Shannon, parent re this is having an incredible strain on our families .

01:26      END.