The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


Television New Zealand
October 10 1992

Network News
Reporter Allanah Jones

A bullet with his name scratched on has been sent to Peter Ellis who faces charges of sexual violation against children at the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch where he worked


00:00      WS Peter Ellis goes to his mailbox .

00:09      CU bullet with Peter scratched on it .

00:15      GVs Lesley Ellis, mother re parents saying he was dead meat .

00:28      (LCT) EXT Civic Child Care Centre building and playground .

00:31      I/V Robyn Sullivan, parent re threats received by creche staff.

00:42      (LCT) Peter Ellis leaves Christchurch Court, he has been charged with child sexual abuse .

00:49      MS bullet .

00:57      REPORTER Allanah James to CAMERA re a bullet with his name scratched on has been sent to Peter Ellis who faces charges of sexual violation against children at the Civic Child Care Centre in Christchurch where he worked .

1:07        END.