The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


Television New Zealand
October 12 1992

Network News
Reporter Cliff Joiner

A death threat has been levelled at a second person involved in the child sex abuse allegations at a Christchurch child care centre. A bullet with her name on it has been mailed to the supervisor of the Civic Child Care Centre creche


00:00      GVs Civic Child Care Centre creche

V/O REPORTER re a death threat has been levelled at a second person involved in the child sex abuse allegations at a Christchurch child care centre, a bullet with her name on it has been mailed to the supervisor of the Civic Child Care Centre creche.

GVs Gaye Davidson, supervisor opens letter containing a bullet with her name scratched on it .

00:16      (LCT) Gaye Davidson arrested at her house.

00:30      (LCT) 10 October 1992 Peter Ellis walks to his letterbox he also received a bullet in the mail.

00:35      CU STILL Peter Ellis.

00:42      I/V Lesley Ellis, mother re he (Peter Ellis) has received threatening telephone calls .

00:53      REPORTER Cliff Joiner to CAMERA .

1:05        END.