The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


Television New Zealand
November 2 1992

Network News
Reporter Jo Malcolm

Deposition hearings begin in Christchurch for five creche workers from the Civic Child Care Centre. Video evidence from the children involved is being screened privately


00:00 MS Peter Ellis arrives at Christchurch District Court for pre trial hearing

V/O REPORTER re deposition hearings begin in Christchurch for five creche workers from the Civic Child Care Centre, video evidence from the children involved is being screened privately .

00:10      (LCT) EXT Civic Child Care Centre creche.

00:18      (LCT) Peter Ellis leaves Christchurch court after being charged .

00:24      INT Civic Child Care Centre creche .

00:25      MS four women creche workers Gaye Davidson, Janice Buckingham, Marie Keys and Debbie Gillespie arrive at Christchurch District Court for a pre trial deposition hearing.

00:33      GRAPHIC Peter Ellis charged with indecent assault, inducing an indecent act, doing an indecent act and sexual violation .

00:44      GRAPHIC Gaye Davidson, Marie Keys and Janice Buckingham are each charged with four charges of indecent assault and sexual violation .

00:51      GRAPHIC Debbie Gillespie faces three charges, indecent assault, sexual violation and doing an indecent act .

00:50      LS accused creche workers arrive at Christchurch District Court .

00:56      MS prosecution lawyer Brent Stanaway arrives at court .

01:02      MS INT Christchurch District Court .

01:04      MS boxes of evidence taken into court .

01:14      REPORTER Jo Malcolm to CAMERA .

01:20      GVs boxes of evidence taken into court .

01:44      END.