The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


Television New Zealand
November 2 1992

Reporter Jo Malcolm

Depositions begin today over the charges of sexual abuse by five Christchurch creche workers, the next two weeks will be set aside for the hearing of videotaped interviews of the children involved


00:00      WS Peter Ellis, creche worker arrives at Christchurch District Court, he faces multiple charges of child sexual abuse .

00:12      WS Gaye Davidson, Janice Buckingham, Marie Keys and Debbie Gillespie, former Civic Child Care Centre creche workers arrive at Christchurch District Court

V/O REPORTER re depositions begin today over the charges of sexual abuse by five Christchurch creche workers, the next two weeks will be set aside for the hearing of videotaped interviews of the children involved.

00:30      WS 404 Hereford Street, flat of Peter Ellis

V/O REPORTER re prosecution alleges children from the Civic Child Care Centre creche were brought here and sexually abused .

00:48      BLANK V/O REPORTER re child sexual abuse .

01:02      GVs INT Christchurch District Court showing video screens .

01:14      GVs boxes of evidence taken into court

V/O REPORTER re over 40 hours of videotaped evidence will be viewed .

01:24      CU sign reading "Closed Court" .

01:26      END.