The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


Television New Zealand
November 12 1992

Network News
Cliff Joiner

A psychologist agreed one of the key prosecution witnesses in the Christchurch Civic Child Care case is a disturbed child. The child's evidence is crucial to 12 of the 60 child sexual abuse charges laid against former creche workers


00:00      GVs empty District Court, Christchurch V/O REPORTER re a psychologist agreed one of the key prosecution witnesses in the Christchurch Civic Child Care case is a disturbed child, the child's evidence is crucial to 12 of the 60 child sexual abuse charges laid against former creche workers .

0:12        LA accused creche workers lawyer Gerald Nation .

0:19        GVs empty court

V/O REPORTER re the boy's mother wrote a letter to the police stating that her son was brought to the Cranmer Centre next to the Civic Child Care Centre, it says that the boy was tied up, locked in trapdoors and made to kill animals and people .

0:48        WS Christchurch Masonic Lodge

V/O REPORTER re the boy also claims that he was taken to the Christchurch Masonic Lodge and taken down a ramp where there were trapdoors and tunnels, the police agree that there is no substance to the boys stories .

0:53        (LCT) 11 November 1992 MS Sue Sidey, the psychologist who interviewed the children, walking towards CAMERA

V/O REPORTER re the parents had repeatedly questioned the child and may have created a situation where the child felt like he had to come up with answers .

1:06        WS INT empty court .

1:12        END.