The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


Television New Zealand
November 18 1992

Network News
Cliff Joiner

The police inquiry into sex abuse at Civic Child Care Centre creche, Christchurch has extended to London, Christchurch Police have asked Interpol to talk to a former creche worker now living in London


00:00      (SAT FTGE) WS EXT British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) World Service building

V/O REPORTER re the police inquiry into sex abuse at Civic Child Care Centre creche, Christchurch has extended to London, Christchurch Police have asked Interpol to talk to a former creche worker now living in London .

0:13        (SAT FTGE) New Scotland Yard .

0:18        (SAT FTGE) WS EXT New Scotland Yard building .

0:30        GRAPHIC re conversation with creche worker in London, Mary Brett-Turner .

0:38        WS EXT Christchurch Police Station .

0:48        REPORTER Cliff Joiner to CAMERA .

0:73        (LCT) four women accused of sexually abusing children in their care, enter court .

1:05        END.