The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


The Press
December 8, 1992.

‘Children named’ after parents talk
A witness in the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre inquiry said her daughter named other children as having been abused after contact between the parents involved.

The mother of one complainant said before she and her partner spoke to other parents her daughter had made no mention of the children.

Five former staff of the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre are accused of sexually abusing some children in their care. The hearing of depositions, to decide if they will be sent for trial, is expected to last until the end of January.

Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis, aged 34, faces 45 indecency charges. The former manager of the creche, Gave Jocelyn Davidson, aged 39, Janice Virginia Buckingham, aged 44, and Mane Keys, aged 44, each face four charges Deborah Janet Gillespie, aged 30, faces three charges.

The witness, whose name is suppressed, said she had ignored advice from the police for parents not to talk among themselves about what their children had disclosed.

She said she had found contact with other parents necessary for support and said the family had been top priority at the time rather than the court process.

On one occasion her daughter had talked of being taken to a place by Ellis where there were clowns, tickets, lions and tigers and being put in a cage.

Cross-examined by counsel for the four women defendants, Mr Gerald Nation the mother said she had taken her daughter to the zoo at New Brighton when she was three. Her daughter had also been taken to Orana Park and the Willowbank Wildlife Reserve, while attending the creche.

At another time her daughter had said she had been taken by Ellis to the Parkroyal Hotel where she had met his Japanese friends. She said the police would not catch Ellis's friends because they lived overseas.

Another mother whose children attended the creche between 1988 and 1991, said her children were frequently reluctant for her to leave when she dropped them off at the centre, after they moved to the "big end" of the creche for older children.

They became reluctant and fearful about going to the toilet when they were out, even at places they were familiar with and were scared when strange men were in the house. At one stage during their time at the creche they became abnormally tired and withdrawn and did not want to talk about the creche.

The mother, whose name was suppressed, said both she and her husband were musical and often played music to the children but between the ages of three and four their children's attitude towards performing publicly changed dramatically, to the point where they now could not take part in school plays because of the Fear and distress it caused them.

They had particular fears of anybody dressed m costume such as stilt walkers and people dressed in animal costumes.