The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Sunday Star Times
June 29 1997

Haden piece appalling
Letter to the Editor
by Sally Goldsworthy,

I was appalled to read in the Peter Ellis article (June 22) that the Portobelo Pre-School which has replaced the Christchurch City Creche still has the same illustrious environment, according to Frank Haden.

Nothing could be further from the truth. It is a warm, friendly, safe and happy centre run by caring and dedicated staff. The programme is stimulating and very successful.

I found what was written about the pre-school irresponsible and I'm horrified what damage three little words can do. After the damning piece about feminist lesbian support and being strong on Maori activism etc, it said "It still is".

Nothing could be further from the truth and I don't believe Mr Haden could have gone in to the pre-school. He probably just stood in the foyer of the big building, which has nothing to do with the pre-school. An apology is due to the Portobelo Pre-School, which is an outstanding centre.