The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

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Last updated February 12 2007

1997-1230 - Daily News - Commissioner welcomes continuing scrutiny of police   
Increased scrutiny of the police is welcome, but has not uncovered gross negligence, says Police Commissioner Peter Doone.

1997-1229 - Evening Post - Commissioner welcomes scrutiny of NZ police    
by Neil Reid -
Increased scrutiny of New Zealand Police is welcome - however, it has not uncovered gross negligence, says Police Commissioner Peter Doone. Questions have been asked during 1997 about police handling of several high profile cases - including the Bain homicide and Peter Ellis' conviction for child abuse. The scrutiny has led to an independent review by the Police Complaints Authority and New Zealand Police into the initial police Bain investigation and also a review of the conduct of a detective involved in the Ellis case

1997-1226 - Daily News - The year when high fliers felt heat of the law    
by Shani Naylor, NZPA - The campaign to free Ellis, the Christchurch childcare worker convicted of sexually abusing children at the Civic Crèche, gathered pace in November when a 20/20 television programme raised doubts. In November, police commissioner Peter Doone agreed to hold an investigation into the police handling of the case. Barrister Judith Ablett-Kerr QC has petitioned Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys for a free pardon for Ellis and called for a full inquiry into his conviction.

1997-1223 - Otago Daily Times - The second trial in media
by Paul Fitzharris,
Commander, Southern Region, New Zealand Police
Like it or loathe it, these days people convicted of crimes, such as David Bain, Peter Ellis, and Rex Haig can expect two trials - one in the court and the other, later, in the media.

1997-1221 - Manawatu Standard - Inquiry should be Independent
Editorial - 
Labour MP Phil Goff, his party's justice spokesman, says he has "long had an unease" about the case based on a number of things including accusations, made by the children, that were not presented to the jury because they were "so bizarre and incredible that they would have damaged the credibility of the entire case".

1997-1221 - Sunday Star Times - Who to believe?
by Nan Millard - Keran Mills (December 7) criticises Frank Haden for his article about the Ellis case and begs him to believe the children. She does not make clear, however, exactly what he should believe.

1997-1218 - Letter to Peter Ellis from Graeme Leather
Personal letter from publisher of “A Mother’s Story” - I regret that distance prevents me offering too much comfort, however, if it helps, my thoughts are with you.  If it is possible to have a happy festive season in your present circumstances, then I trust that you do. And here's hoping 1998 brings a pardon so that you can begin rebuilding your life. The pressure for justice in your case is growing and I am sure it will eventually prevail

1997-1207 - Sunday News - Ellis case was a waste of so much
by E Williams - The only new-old allegations against Peter Ellis to warrant yet another "hysterical bandwagon" against him will be proof he really was "the Devil incarnate." So Dr Read (Sunday News Nov 30) need not leap on that particular bandwagon.

1997-1203 - Waikato Times - Possible errors
by Frank MacSkasy - I am pleased that NZ First MPs, collectively, have taken an interest in the case of Peter Ellis, pictured, convicted for child-abuse crimes in Christchurch.

1997-1203 - The Press - Three-month wait for Ellis on pardon
NZPA - Convicted child molester Peter Ellis will have to wait up to three months to hear if he will be pardoned, lawyer Peter Williams said

1997-1202 - Evening Post - One-sided journalism
by Dr John Read - If new allegations of further child abuse by Peter Ellis are true, and research shows that the vast majority of allegations are true, then those journalists and politicians who jumped on the hysterical bandwagon created by 20/20's "documentary" need to do some serious thinking.

1997-1202 - Evening Post - Ellis pardon bid has long way to go - QC

by Neil Reid - Convicted child molester Peter Ellis will have to wait up to three months to hear if he will be pardoned, says leading QC Peter Williams.

1997-1202 - Dominion - Hundreds falsely accused, says group

by Annie Gray - Casualties of Sexual Allegations Inc, or Cosa, is seeking the inquiry. Cosa president Felicity Goodyear-Smith says that while the Peter Ellis case in Christchurch has attracted a great deal of media attention, there are many innocent people who have been falsely accused in less sensational abuse cases.

1997-1202 - Dominion - Petition asks for pardoning of Ellis

by Alan Samson - A petition for the pardon of childcare worker Peter Ellis, convicted of child abuse, was delivered to Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys yesterday. Delivered by two barristers on behalf of Ellis's counsel, Judith Ablett-Kerr, it was later couriered to Justice Minister Doug Graham.

1997-1202 - The Press -Ellis petition sent to Crown    
NZPA - A petition seeking a pardon for former childcare worker Peter Ellis was delivered to Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys yesterday. Ellis was found guilty of sexually abusing children at the Christchurch Childcare Centre between 1986 and 1992. He has served four years of a 10-year jail sentence. A recent TV3 report highlighted possible irregularities in the Ellis case. The petition, delivered by two barristers on behalf of Ellis's counsel, Judith Ablett-Kerr, was later couriered to Justice Minister Doug Graham.

1997-1201 - Evening Post - The real fear of the 90s man with children    
by Warwick Roger - The older I get the more I find myself agreeing with my old editor, Frank Haden, now the Sunday Star-Times' most cantankerous columnist. Recently, after the 20/20 programme on the Peter Ellis case, Frank wrote of how the climate of fear surrounding the alleged sexual abuse of children meant that many men were shrinking from having much intimate to do with children for fear of being accused of foul crimes. As an example, Frank wrote that he would never again change his grandchildren's nappies.

1997-1201 - Evening Post - Ellis appeal petition    
A petition to appeal against the conviction of Peter Ellis was to be presented to Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys today, a spokeswoman for Ellis's lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, said

1997-1201 - Dominion - Ellis case  
by John Read - I can think of no better example of that tendency to ignore our children when they are brave enough to tell of their abuse than the response of 20-20 to the new allegations. It simply repeated its story and pretended nothing had happened! Do they think, like so many of us, that if we ignore child abuse it will go away?

1997-12 - Book - A Mothers Story
by Joy Bander (pseudonym), The Civic Crèche Child Sex Trial

1997-12 - Cosa - Peter Ellis and the Christchurch Crèche case
Editorial by Felicity Goodyear-Smith -
This is certainly the hot story for this month. Last year North & South magazine …. published an excellent exposé ……... On 16 November, TV3's 20/20, screened Melanie Reid’s Special Report on the Christchurch Civic Crèche fiasco

1997-1130 - Sunday News - Television ratings shouldn't come first  
by John Read - If the new allegations of further child abuse by Peter Ellis are true and research shows the majority of allegations are true, then those journalists and politicians who jumped on the hysterical bandwagon created by 20/20's "documentary" need to do some serious thinking

1997-1129 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis petition on Monday
A petition to appeal against the conviction of Peter Ellis would be presented to Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys on Monday

1997-1128 - Evening Post - Ellis petition
A petition to appeal the conviction of Peter Ellis will be presented to the Governor-General on Monday

1997-1127 - Waikato Times - Shocked at photo
by Norman Thorburn - This constitutes yet another case of trial by media not unlike the Peter Ellis case where the media played a significant role in whipping up public hysteria, possibly contributing to his eventual imprisonment

1997-1127 - Waikato Times - Ellis, Dougherty and the justice system
Editorial - Peter Ellis and David Dougherty are two very different men with two very different experiences of New Zealand justice. Both, however, represent what happens when the courts and police get it wrong. Ellis is the former Christchurch Civic Crèche worker who is four years into a 10-year prison sentence for child abuse. He is still in jail despite questions being raised about the investigation and trial which resulted in his conviction

1997-1127 - Evening Post - ACC eyes compo paid in Ellis case
by Georgina Bailey - ACC will monitor the Peter Ellis-Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre case and seek to recover money paid to victims if any inquiry reveals they changed their stories. An ACC spokesman said it was too early to say if they would try to recover compensation. "We will be watching any developments in relation to that."

1997-1127 - Usenet - Lynda Morgan Specialist Interviewer
David McLoughlin details books by Morgan, her history, questions bias.

1997-1126 - The Press - Pity the abuses and those abused     New Feb 2007
by John Goulter -
The Ellis investigation and trial assumed a hysterical momentum that abandoned the usual standards of plausibility or reasonable doubt. New-age superstition, not justice, became the guiding principle. Pity Peter Ellis. At the very least, there should be a commission of inquiry, a cool reappraisal of the case. It would surely lead to a pardon.

1997-1126 - Evening Post - No action on Ellis until appeal lodged
Justice Minister Doug Graham will not investigate irregularities in the Peter Ellis child abuse case before an appeal is lodged with the Governor-General. ......."The Minister will not be doing anything until that legal option runs its course."

1997-1124 - Evening Post - Group lays Ellis doco complaint
NZPA - The TV3 documentary that raised new doubts about the conviction of Christchurch childcare worker Peter Ellis has prompted a complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Authority. .....An Auckland child advocacy group, Children's Agenda, said it was preparing a complaint to the BSA about the programme. Chairwoman Robin Fancourt said her organisation was concerned about hysteria caused by the programme.

1997-1124 - Evening Post - Echoes of Salem witch trials in Ellis case
by Warwick Roger - ......wave of hysteria sweeps over Christchurch, a city of some 300,000 souls standing on the edge of New Zealand's Canterbury Plains. For years there have been stories in the newspapers and in the electronic media asserting that one in four New Zealand girls will be sexually abused before they are 18. Stories, always unsubstantiated, about ritual abuse, pornography rings and satanic cults also appear........

1997-1124 - Evening Post - Bain one of many wrongly in jail - Karam
by Neil Reid - "The reason why we have Peter Ellis' and David Bain's (cases) is that there is a significant flaw in the system at the fundamental stage, which is the investigation stage." Mr Karam said he believed some senior police were arresting people prematurely before they had identified a motive. "(They) charge in like bulls at a gate and finish up arresting people with no bloody motive . . . then they wonder why these cases come back to haunt them.

1997-1124 - Dominion - Fresh Ellis allegations rejected
by Bernadette Courtney - Supporters of crèche worker Peter Ellis, who is serving a 10-year sentence for sex abuse, have dismissed fresh allegations that he abused two children. A woman, who was in a two-year relationship with Ellis in the late 1980s, claims that her two children were sexually and physically abused by Ellis

1997-1124 - Southland Times - Ellis case
Possibly because of a widely-felt deep unease, the conviction of Christchurch crèche worker Peter Ellis on charges of sexual abuse of children refuses to go away

1997-1123 - Sunday News - Judiciary should hang their heads
by George Balani - Peter Ellis should be freed from prison now. I have written screeds about this case during the past five years. I have debated it on talkback radio. I have argued the legal implications with lawyers all over the country. Police, legal professionals and the judiciary should hang their heads in shame at the handling of this case.

1997-1123 - Sunday Star Times - Ellis target of new claims of sex abuse
by Barry Clarke - Fresh allegations of sex abuse have been made against convicted paedophile Peter Ellis, just days before a bid will be made to have him freed from his 10-year jail sentence. The police will decide this week whether they will pursue the new allegations made last Thursday by a woman who says her two children were sexually and physically abused during a two-year relationship she had with Ellis in the late 1980s

1997-1123 - Sunday Star Times - "Full inquiry essential in Ellis case."
 by Frank Haden - Astonishing isn't it, the way people have turned around? They wouldn't listen through all the years after Peter Ellis went to jail for crimes he didn't commit, in fact were never committed by anyone.  Now they're climbing on the bandwagon, saying they knew all along it was a faulty investigation, a faulty trial, and there should be an inquiry.

Peter Ellis must be pardoned, and compensated on a scale comparable with the money paid to another man railroaded into jail on wrongful convictions, Arthur Allan Thomas.  But there must be a full judicial inquiry into how it happened, how the community accepted wrongheaded behaviour by parents, social workers, psychologists, jurors, trial judge Justice Williamson and the judges of the Court of Appeal

1997-1123 - Sunday News - Newsmaker
The Christchurch Civic Crèche case just wont go away. And Peter Ellis may yet get out of jail before serving his full time for abusing children at the crèche.  Revelations this week an investigating officer, Colin Eade, propositioned one of the complainant mothers, had affairs with two others and had psychiatric problems were not the end of the probe.  It was also revealed the crown prosecutor knew the jury foreman. These revealtions do nothing to garner faith in our justice system

1997-1122 - Herald - "Parallels seen between Ellis case and abuse frenzy in US"
by John Goulter - In Christchurch, the case has lost none of its emotional grip. The children concerned are now approaching their teens, but few of the parents have let go of the trauma.  To them, the case remains one of the city's most infamous, and they say that more is yet to be exposed. To others, it is infamous for altogether different reasons - an episode when anxious parents, ideologically driven social workers, zealous police and a gullible public conspired to create one of New Zealand's worst miscarriages of justice

1997-1122 - Usenet - Eade and Complainant
by David McLoughlin. 
Far from setting out to set Eade up, the woman concerned was the organiser of the parents' support group

1997-1122 - Dominion - In denial over faux disclosures
by Frank Haden - A couple of words getting some air time, as they say, with the announcement of an inquiry into the Peter Ellis case, are disclosure and denial. As used by social workers investigating allegations of child sex abuse, these loaded words have remarkable effect

1997-1121 - Timaru Herald - Police inquiry welcome
The police are right to conduct an inquiry into their investigation of Peter Ellis, the Christchurch crèche worker who is four years into a 10-year sentence for child molestation. Last Sunday's 20/20 television programme exposed some disturbing conduct by Detective Colin Eade

1997-1121 - Evening Standard - Inquiry should be independent
Editorial - The issue of whether justice was done in the Christchurch Civic Crèche child-abuse case has been debated since day one -- and will not go away easily. The fact that police are now to investigate themselves aspects of their own handling of the case, including allegations concerning the detective heading the inquiry, is scarcely likely to reassure those who are convinced crèche worker Peter Ellis was innocent of the charges, did not get a fair trial, and has already been wrongly imprisoned for four years

1997-1121 - Nelson Mail - Allegations of sexual abuse not always based on the facts
by Stanley E Rea - The guilt of Peter Ellis, said to have been a child abuser, is being questioned. Children and adults who have been coached or treated by experienced psychoanalysts and psychotherapists can end up believing events occurred in their lives that never happened

1997-1121 - Evening Post - Doubts over Ellis won't go away
Editorial - The mounting wave of public concern over the conviction and imprisonment of alleged Christchurch crèche child abuser Peter Ellis is one which the Government can no longer ignore. Last Sunday night's 20/20 television documentary, which has triggered the current bout of unease, is the latest in a series of media investigations which have raised profound doubts over the way the case was conducted.

1997-1121 - The Press - Police defend investigation
NZPA - The morals of a detective involved in the crèche inquiry had no bearing on its outcome, Police Association president Greg O'Connor said. He was appalled that former detective Colin Eade's relationships with two of the complainants' mothers was now being used in Peter Ellis's defence

1997-1121 - WaikatoTimes - Officers morals did not affect case
The morals of a detective involved in the Christchurch crèche sex abuse inquiry had no bearing on its outcome, Police Association president Greg O'Connor says. Mr O'Connor yesterday says he was appalled that former Detective Colin Eade's relationship with two mothers of children at the crèche was being used in defence of former Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre worker Peter Ellis.

1997-1121 - Usenet - Eades sexual relationships
by Miche Campbell, 
Russell is actually right in that it was three women

1997-1121 - Radio 95bFM - Russell Brown's Hard News
by Russell Brown; 
There needs to be a serious investigation of the whole thing, not just of the various crazy people involved - and, my, weren't there a few of those - but of the role of Social Welfare” “I think the cops, Social Welfare and all know something went really wrong here”

1997-1121 - Otago Daily Times - Detectives behaviour discounted
The morals of a detective involved in the Christchurch crèche sex abuse inquiry had no bearing on its outcome, Police Association president Greg O'Connor said yesterday

1997-1120 - Otago Daily Times - Police inquiry into Ellis conviction
Two MPs yesterday went public with their doubts about the guilt of Peter Ellis as Police Commissioner Peter Doone agreed to hold an inquiry into investigations that led to the conviction

1997-1120 - Waikato Times - MPs express doubt about Ellis guilt
Page 9, "MPs express doubt about Ellis' guilt"

1997-1120 - Herald - Call for wider Ellis Inquiry
Page A4, "Call for wider Ellis inquiry"

1997-1120 - Dominion - Review of Ellis case labelled too narrow
by Alan Samson - Supporters of convicted child abuser Peter Ellis say the police review requested by a parliamentary committee yesterday of the police investigation of the case is pointless because it is too narrow. A spokesman for the supporters and Ellis, Winston Wealleans, said that such an inquiry would let other agencies "off the hook".

1997-1120 - Dominion - Police to probe Ellis crèche case allegations
Police are to investigate allegations that the detective heading the Christchurch Civic Crèche child-abuse case had intimate relations with complainants' mothers. Parliament's justice and law reform select committee asked Police Commissioner Peter Doone yesterday to investigate allegations raised by television programme 20/20 about the case.

1997-1120 - Evening Post - Ellis case cop defends relationships
by Neil Reid - The Christchurch police officer who investigated the Peter Ellis child abuse case today defended having a relationship with a mother of one of the child complainants. Former Detective Colin Eade agreed he had relationships with two mothers whose children attended the crèche at the centre of the inquiry - and that he propositioned a third mother.

1997-1120 - The Press - Ellis probe on ex-detective
by Martin Van Beynen - Police will investigate a key figure in the controversial Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre case. Police Commissioner Peter Doone announced this yesterday after he was questioned about a former detective's conduct by the parliamentary justice and law reform select committee. Answering Labour Justice spokesman Phil Goff, Commissioner Doone said he would respond to requests for a formal investigation. ``I can assure you that if there are any ethical, procedural, or fairness breaches on the part of the police at the end of that stage I will take every step to ensure that justice will be done,'' he said.

1997-1119 - Evening Post - Police to revisit Ellis case
NZPA - Police have agreed to carry out an inquiry into the investigation that led to the conviction of Peter Ellis, who is four years into a 10-year sentence for child molestation. Police Commissioner Peter Doone today agreed to the request by Parliament's justice and law reform select committee to hold an inquiry into the investigation and in particular the actions of Detective Colin Eade, who headed the investigation but is no longer in the police force

1997-1118 - Dominion - Ellis inquiry may look at actions of Crown lawyer
by Alan Samson - Solicitor-General John McGrath gave a pointer yesterday to possible action that could be taken to have the Peter Ellis child abuse case reopened. He said investigations by his office would be confined to the actions of Crown solicitor Brent Stanaway, who did not declare at Ellis's 1993 High Court trial that he knew jury foreman the Reverend Peter Williams.

1997-1118 - Dominion - Trial an outrage, says former police officer
NZPA - The 1993 trial of Peter Ellis was "an outrage to justice", former police superintendent Rana Waitai said in Wanganui yesterday. Mr Waitai, a NZ First MP, told Wanganui Rotary that there should be a high-level inquiry or a royal commission into the trial, as Ellis could be the victim of "an almost unbelievably bizarre abortion of justice".

1997-1118 - The Press - Petition for Ellis pardon close to presentation
by Hans Petrovic - The lawyer for convicted crèche worker Peter Ellis, Judith Ablett-Kerr QC, expects her petition for a pardon for Ellis to be with the Governor-General within a fortnight. It remained to be seen, however, whether this would lead to an inquiry into the composition of the jury that convicted Ellis in 1993,

1997-1118 - Otago Daily Times - MP demands inquiry into Ellis case
The 1993 trial of Peter Ellis was "an outrage to justice", New Zealand First MP Rana Waitai said in Wanganui yesterday

1997-1118 - Waikato Times - Bid for pardon expected soon
Convicted crèche worker Peter Ellis' lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr QC, expects her petition for a pardon to be with the governor-general within a fortnight. It remained to be seen however whether this would lead to an inquiry into the composition of the jury that convicted Ellis in 1993, she said from Dunedin yesterday

1997-1118 - Herald - QC to Petition for Pardon
Mrs Ablett-Kerr said matters 20/20 raised would be part of the petition she hoped to send to Sir Michael within two weeks. He has the power to grant a pardon, refer the matter to the Court of Appeal, or do nothing

1997-1118 - Otago Daily Times - Lawyer to lodge petition for pardon
Convicted crèche worker Peter Ellis's lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, expects her petition for a pardon to be with the Governor-General within a fortnight

1997-1117 - Waikato Times - Prejudice claimed in Ellis case
NZPA - More cracks in the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre case have surfaced after revelations about possible prejudice among the jurors. It was revealed last night that one of the jurors knew the mother of one of the child complainants who gave evidence against crèche worker Peter Ellis in 1993

1997-1117 - Waikato Times - Return crèche case to court: QC
NZPA - New evidence in the controversial Christchurch civic crèche case warranted moves to bring the matter back to the Appeal Court, leading Christchurch barrister Nigel Hampton QC said today. ... One of the jurors apparently knew the mother of one of the child complainants who gave evidence against Ellis in 1993, television reports. It also said the jury foreman, a Christchurch clergyman, had officiated at the wedding of the case's lead prosecutor, Brent Stanaway.

1997-1117 - Evening Post - Call for Ellis case inquiry
by Claire Guyan - As more questions surfaced today about the conviction of Christchurch crèche worker Peter Ellis, his lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, is calling for a full inquiry. She is planning to petition Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys for a free pardon for Ellis which she said could lead to an inquiry into the case

1997-1117 - Evening Standard - Abuse fear scaring men off
by Lee Matthews - Men are still avoiding caring for young children as jobs because of the fear of being accused of child abuse, says a Massey University academic. ....Dr Farquhar, commenting on last night's 20/20 television feature about the 1993 case of Christchurch childcare worker Peter Ellis, convicted of child abuse, said most male teachers would welcome a move to clear Ellis's name

1997-1117 - The Press - Revelations revive Ellis case queries
by Anna Dunbar - More cracks in the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre case surfaced yesterday with revelations about possible prejudice among the jurors. TV3's 20/20 programme revealed last night that one of the jurors knew the mother of one of the child complainants who gave evidence against crèche worker Peter Ellis in 1993.

1997-1117 - Dominion - Jury in childcare trial to be investigated
by Alan Samson - The solicitor-general has ordered an investigation into the jury that convicted childcare worker Peter Ellis after revelations of possible irregularities. These relate to alleged non-declarations of interest by two members of the 1993 High Court jury that convicted Ellis of 16 of 25 sexual charges of abuse on children in his care at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre. It is also claimed that most or all of the children who made allegations against Ellis had at various times withdrawn their accusations.

1997-1117 - Otago Daily Times - Questions over Ellis jury
More cracks in the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre case surfaced yesterday with revelations about possible prejudice among the jurors. TV3's 20/20 programme revealed last night that one of the jurors, a lesbian, knew the mother of one of the child complainants who gave evidence against crèche worker Peter Ellis in 1993.

1997-1117 - Herald - Credibility
Letter to the Editor,  by G Waugh - Intimate knowledge of scientific research techniques and the stern code of neutrality are hallmarks of true professionals.     By declaring its support (Nov 15) for John Read's findings about a link between sexual abuse and psychotic disorders, Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care (DSAC) has again overstepped the boundaries of professionalism

1997-1117 -  Usenet - Detectives Hardie Eade and Pearce
by David McLoughlin,  
Much closer to Eade was Det Sgt Bob Hardie, Eade's direct supervisor. Hardie was just as off-the-planet as Eade

1997-1116 - Usenet - Witchhunt Never Mentioned
by Brian Lilburn.  
I admire the forebearance of Winston Wealleans on the Kim Hill interview this morning, in not allowing the words 'witch-hunt' to escape his lips.

1997-1116 - Usenet - Detective Eade on 20/20
Notes from the television "20/20" Special Report on the Christchurch Civic Crèche fiasco screened TV3, 6.30pm, Sunday 16 November, 1997.

1997-1116 - TV3 - The Case In Question
Producer: Amanda Millar And Melanie Reid
Reporter: Melanie Reid

Transcript - Part 1
Tonight in this special investigation from reporter Melanie Reid, we will ask serious questions about the impartiality of the jury. We go behind the scenes of the police and Social Welfare investigation. And for the first time in five years, a key policeman in the Enquiry speaks publicly about the case. And we'll hear from the man himself, Peter Ellis. He gave his only television interview to 20/20's Melanie Reid shortly before he began his jail term.

Transcript - Part 2
The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case was almost a carbon copy of the American and English Day Care Child Abuse cases It was a time of an American driven philosophy about child sex abuse, that "children never lie" and that "a child claiming to be sexually abused must always be telling the truth". And as with the Crèche Case no medical evidence, no forensic evidence and no corroborated evidence was required. In Christchurch, children in the Crèche Case were interviewed extensively using anatomically correct dolls, some five or six times. Five years on, interviewing standards in New Zealand now stipulate one interview only and no anatomical dolls. But the new standards have been of no help to Peter Ellis. But back to the case as it was in 1993. The four female crèche workers in this case were discharged before their trial, but at one point police wanted to arrest even more women crèche workers, even Peter Ellis's mother. You see the police and Social Welfare specialists were convinced Peter Ellis was an abuser and that being the case, they believed he couldn't have acted alone. Melanie Reid's special investigation continues.

Transcript - Part 3
As we indicated, Melanie Reid has evidence that raises concerns about some members of the jury that heard the case and brought in the verdict of guilty. Here in New Zealand the law prevents us from naming or identifying jury members and also prevents us from making any approach to jurors. However, in the last part of this report we ask if two jury members could have compromised Ellis's right to a fair trial.

Transcript - Review, 1997-1123
You will by now be aware of the reaction to Melanie Reid's report about the Christchurch Civic Crèche Case and the trial and conviction of Peter Ellis for sexual abuse of children at the crèche where he worked. That special report which screened here on 20/20 last week examined how the evidence against Ellis was gathered. It raised serious concerns about two jury members who heard the case and investigated the man who investigated Peter Ellis. Recapping events since that report aired, here’s Melanie Reid.

1997-1115 - Dominion - Civic crèche abuse case revisited    
by Erin Kennedy - Reporter Melanie Reid, who covered the trial in 1992, revisits the case with Ellis five years into his 10-year sentence. According to 20/20, she has uncovered new information on the police investigation and the subsequent court trial. Reid says that a key detective on the case was in psychological trouble at the time of the inquiry and one of the child witnesses now says she lied to the court. Reid also questions the impartiality of two jury members

1997-1109 - Radio NZ - Eade speaks out
The police officer who helped send convicted child abuser Peter Ellis to jail has spoken out for the first time about the case. Colin Eade, a former detective, says he's still convinced of Ellis's guilt - despite the doubts of many who believe he's innocent

1997-1002 - Dominion - Overhaul for bad justice  
Crèche worker Peter Ellis, found guilty in 1993 of sexually abusing seven children, appealed against his conviction on the ground that key evidence never reached the courtroom. Other trial shortcomings are detailed in a feature on the facing page.

1997-0706 - Sunday Star Times - Failing the innocent  
by Grace Thurlow - The article on the Peter Ellis case (June 22) asks: "How on earth can this have happened?" David Rieff in his book Los Angeles refers to a similar case there in 1983

1997-0629 - Sunday Star Times - Inquiry for Ellis case 
by Frank MacSkasy - It is not often I agree with Frank Haden -- but in the case of Peter Ellis (June 22) I concur with his view that another miscarriage of justice has occurred. My suspicions of the "safeness" of Ellis' conviction is based, in part, on the fact that his co-workers were also arrested and charged, but later dismissed. The evidence against them was non-existent.

1997-0629 - Sunday Star Times - Haden piece appalling
by Sally Goldsworthy - I was appalled to read in the Peter Ellis article (June 22) that the Portobelo Pre-School which has replaced the Christchurch City Crèche still has the same illustrious environment, according to Frank Haden.

1997-0629 - Sunday Star Times - Ellis Case, Part II
by N Foote - Wasn't that really what the sex abuse industry was all about? Money . . . money . . . money

1997-0622 - Sunday Star Times - How on earth can this abuse case have happened?  
by Frank Haden - Four years ago today, Peter Ellis was jailed for 10 years for sexually abusing seven children at the Christchurch Civic Centre crèche. Frank Haden, who has long argued the case against Ellis should have failed, looks at new moves to free him

1997-0503 - Evening Post - Truth is the casualty   
Letter to the Editor by Noeline Gannaway - Too often truth has been a casualty of our adversarial criminal justice system inherited from English common law. This is the system that has imprisoned David Bain, David Tamahere, John Barlow and Peter Ellis, and it has largely lost public confidence

1997-0129 - Daily News - Society suffering as males run scared of abuse accusations 
Massey University researcher Sarah Farquhar may have exposed more than she realises with her investigation into male under-representation in kindergartens and childcare centres. Dr Farquhar's interviews with with 20 male and 20 female workers in this area has disclosed that fear of being wrongly accused of sex abuse is scaring men away from this career. In the light of publicity given to Christchurch Civic Centre worker Peter Ellis, and Wellington Hospital childcare centre teacher Peter Scott, this is hardly surprising.

1997-0128 - Dominion - Men scared off teaching by sex claims – report  
by Alison Tocker - Fear of being wrongly accused of having sexually abused children is scaring men away from early childhood teaching, according to a report by Massey University lecturer Sarah Farquhar. More than half the male teachers surveyed report having been treated as if they were a child abuser, or being made to feel they could be one. The study, A Few Good Men or a Few Too Many? A Study of Male Teachers, says employers appear to favour women teachers due to an apparent belief it is not safe or good for children to have male teachers.