The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Dominion
November 15, 1997

Civic creche abuse case revisited
by Erin Kennedy

Postponed from last week because of the boxing, 20/20's (TV3, 6.30pm Sunday) hour-long special on Peter Ellis is a must-see.

Ellis was convicted of abusing children in his care at the Christchurch civic creche after a long and controversial trial. Co-workers whose charges were dropped later won damages from Christchurch City Council.

Reporter Melanie Reid, who covered the trial in 1992, revisits the case with Ellis five years into his 10-year sentence. According to 20/20, she has uncovered new information on the police investigation and the subsequent court trial.

Reid says that a key detective on the case was in psychological trouble at the time of the inquiry and one of the child witnesses now says she lied to the court. Reid also questions the impartiality of two jury members.

In all, 126 children were interviewed and 13 ended up giving evidence to the High Court. Reid examines how that evidence was gained by a detective whose colleagues were so concerned for his mental state that they sought professional help for him.

That detective's interview with Reid is the first time he has talked publicly about the case.


Caption: Peter Ellis, who is five years into a 10-year jail sentence . . . 20/20 claims it has new information on his case